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“Our party called for a stay at home strike in November. The government provoked violence and at least 44 unarmed citizens were murdered. The entire CUD.

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Presentation on theme: "“Our party called for a stay at home strike in November. The government provoked violence and at least 44 unarmed citizens were murdered. The entire CUD."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Our party called for a stay at home strike in November. The government provoked violence and at least 44 unarmed citizens were murdered. The entire CUD leadership along with dozens of journalists and human rights defenders was jailed. It has been six month since our arrest and our ONLY crime is our commitment to democracy. The irony in all of this, is in the subsequent involvement of foreign officials. Especially US officials. Many Ethiopians were disappointed that the US did not exert its influence to promote democracy - as it could have, as it does in other parts of the world. In fact, in many instances, the US, unjustifiably, supported the dictatorial regime. I thank you for all your persistence to bring democracy in the world! I hope to personally thank you as a free man one day!” Dr.Brehanu Nega Click Mouse To Advance Slides

3 Just in Addis alone 2 million came out to support opposition parties!

4 You can fool some people sometimes, But you can't fool all the people all the time.

5 We will divided and rule forever….

6 We have the approval from Vicky Huddlestone.

7 Protest around the world….

8 Protest around the world




12 Get each and everyone of them!

13 What the Ethiopian government verbally pronounces about democracy to the West is quite the opposite of what it practices in on the ground.

14 Never make a dictator grant you a favor; They will always want to control you forever, eh! Bob Marley Bob Marley

15 "He comes across as a calm and rational leader, but right under the surface is a hard-core ideologue with a psychopathic willingness to kill his own people to keep power."

16 How long ……


18 “under the surface is a hard-core ideologue with a psychopathic willingness to kill his own people to keep power.“ Western diplomat based in Addis.

19 Rwanda would be a child's play as compared to what we have planed for Ethiopia,

20 Don't give up the fight!

21 Silence them with money…

22 " !" " !"

23 CUDP is the spirit in me!


25 Total destruction


27 “It is outrageous that elected members of parliament are in jail, and facing ridiculous charges that carry the death penalty,” Ana Gomez.

28 “I want to pass over to my kids a country that makes them proud, a country that allows them to live to the limits of their dreams and beyond. I am in this fight not to liberate others but to fulfill my own desire to live in freedom. Those of you who want to stand and be counted as free individuals can join me and my compatriots in this honorable endeavor, but you have to decide in person and in full consent with your God. And when each one of us reaches that level of yearning for freedom there is no limit to the sky we can reach, to the stars we can approach” Dr. Nega “I want to pass over to my kids a country that makes them proud, a country that allows them to live to the limits of their dreams and beyond. I am in this fight not to liberate others but to fulfill my own desire to live in freedom. Those of you who want to stand and be counted as free individuals can join me and my compatriots in this honorable endeavor, but you have to decide in person and in full consent with your God. And when each one of us reaches that level of yearning for freedom there is no limit to the sky we can reach, to the stars we can approach” Dr. Nega

29 "It is actually oppression, is actually regression, is killing, it’s beatings, is harassment of people, of the youth… The government has branded the youth as “dangerous hooligans,” and ostracized them. How is it that a government would ostracize the youth, who are actually the future of the country?” Anna Gomez


31 “Lack of judicial freedom in Ethiopia rules out fair trial for opposition leaders” Ana Gomes,

32 Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies. The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, although implementation remains lacking in Ethiopia. censorshipliberal democraciesUniversal Declaration of Human RightsEuropean Convention on Human Rightscensorshipliberal democraciesUniversal Declaration of Human RightsEuropean Convention on Human Rights

33 Yazachew Berhanu and Menelik Berhanu Assasinated By TPLF Cadre In Alem Ketema, Merehabete Yazachew Berhanu and Menelik Berhanu Assasinated By TPLF Cadre In Alem Ketema, Merehabete

34 “I come to call you to renew your thinking---to rekindle your passion and to be part of creating an Ethiopia that can nurture and love its members, no matter how different each one may be from the next. It is not too late, but it will not be easy. We are caught in a cycle of violence towards each other, believing it is the only way to survive. I come to tell you—this is not the way! I come to tell you we are traumatized from this violence and hate and yet there is hope for healing for our wounds.” “I come to call you to renew your thinking---to rekindle your passion and to be part of creating an Ethiopia that can nurture and love its members, no matter how different each one may be from the next. It is not too late, but it will not be easy. We are caught in a cycle of violence towards each other, believing it is the only way to survive. I come to tell you—this is not the way! I come to tell you we are traumatized from this violence and hate and yet there is hope for healing for our wounds.” Mr. Obang O. Metho Mr. Obang O. Metho

35 Anuak Refugees in Sudan

36 Personal warning from Mr. P W Botha (Meles)

37 Meles Zenawi, the new breed of African dictators.

38 "The judiciary and the prison system willfully work as one to implement the will of the Prime Minister and his office" Dr. Taye W.Semayat

39 Lack of judicial freedom in Ethiopia rules out fair trial for opposition leaders, Ana Gomes,

40 United States of America; United Kingdom….and Un united Ethiopia

41 How long shall they kill our prophets? while we stand aside and look…

42 We believe that conventional democratic political institutions in the absence of SOCIAL JUSTICE are flawed and worthless.

43 We are Coming United and Strong!


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