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Getting It Right - Six Lives Progress Report David Congdon Head of Campaigns & Policy 16 th March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting It Right - Six Lives Progress Report David Congdon Head of Campaigns & Policy 16 th March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting It Right - Six Lives Progress Report David Congdon Head of Campaigns & Policy 16 th March 2011

2 Where we’ve come from

3 What we’ve achieved - national

4 Some significant and distressing failures in service across health and social care A lack of leadership A failure to understand the law in relation to disability discrimination and human rights For 4 of the 6 cases, “we upheld the person was treated less favorably, in some aspects of their care, for reasons relating to their learning disability” What the Ombudsman found

5 “..poor communication and team working between professionals meant the approach to Mr Ryan’s care, including his nutrition, was fragmented, unplanned and ineffective” “had the care and treatment Mr Ryan (Martin) received not fallen so far below the relevant standard, it is likely that his death could have been avoided” Ombudsman findings on Martin Ryan

6 NHS and social care organisations in England – how well are you planning and delivering services? Care Quality, Commission, Monitor and the Equality and Human Rights Commission – are your monitoring systems working well enough? Department of Health should support everyone else to get it right and publish a report in 18 months from the publication of 6 Lives Recommendations from 6 Lives

7 Mental capacity is still a concern More still to do on reasonable adjustments Department of Health: more work needed

8 Anne admitted to hospital (May 2010). Best interest decision making? Doctors not listening to Anne’s sister Doctors making judgements about Anne’s quality of life Much more still to do – Anne’s story

9 Almost half (46%) of doctors say that people with learning disabilities receive a poorer standard of healthcare Almost third of nurses (33%) had personally witnessed a patient with a LD being treated with neglect or lack of dignity Nearly 4 out of 10 doctors and third of nurses went as far as saying that people with LD are discriminated against (Mencap, Getting it right survey, June 2010) Mencap survey: “still major issues”


11 ‘Getting it Right’ 3 year campaign

12 Peer reviews of hospitals Sharper focus on health needs of people with a learning disability Great progress in South West

13 “She had no means of telling them what was the matter. There was no indication from her of what was the matter. She’s so terrified of things like blood tests, there was no way people could get near her” Brenda (Louise’s mum) If we all get it right… Louise’s story


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