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Kevin Sun Andy Lui Amanda Li Sharan S.. Collectively decided in 1877 to cut employees’ wages by 10%

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Sun Andy Lui Amanda Li Sharan S.. Collectively decided in 1877 to cut employees’ wages by 10%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Sun Andy Lui Amanda Li Sharan S.

2 Collectively decided in 1877 to cut employees’ wages by 10%

3 Laborers’ Enraged and struck back in strikes and rebellions Hayes’ Response President Hayes sent in troops to quell unrest Led to support from working class of America

4 More men (Bachelors) Poorer Folk Tianshen & Guangdong Providence citizens Few women

5 For a better position in life The social, economic, and political instability in China Stories of riches in China Dig ditches get riches, then go back to the Motherland

6 Similar to how Irish and Blacks would fight over jobs in the New England area In California the Irish hated the Chinese The Kearnyites formed by Denis Kearney in 1877 Targeted and even killed Chinese sometimes Naturally prejudiced They had to compete in lowest social class


8 Passed Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 Prohibits all further immigration from China Was in position until 1943

9 Exclusionists tries to strip Chinese-Americas of their citizenships Overruled by Supreme Court in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898 – citizenship guaranteed by 14 th Amendment Doctorine of “birthright citizenship” provided important protections to Chinese Americans as well as to other immigrants (jus soil – “right of the soil” vs jus sanguinis – “right of blood-tie” )

10 1) Who was unsettled by the Chinese immigration? 2) What action was taken against the Chinese? 3) Why did the Chinese want to emigrate to America? 4) How did the reduction of rail worker pay lead to more discrimination towards the immigrants?

11 1) Who was unsettled by the Chinese immigration? Irish Lower social classes They had to compete for jobs Naturally prejudiced 2) What action was taken against the Chinese? Exclusionists tried to take away the citizenship rights of Chinese-Americans Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882

12 3) Why did the Chinese want to emigrate to America? Turmoil in China Stories of a prosperous America 4) How did the reduction of rail worker pay lead to more discrimination towards the immigrants? The pay cuts caused more dissent towards minorities

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