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Published byNico Bowers Modified over 10 years ago
1)Short range future 2)Medium range future B factories? 3)Long range future ILC? INFN – LNF will be part of the international effort on future accelerators INFN National Laboratory LNF
Some basic concepts (and numbers) A meson decaying at rest produces pairs of neutral or charged kaons with branching ratios of ~34% and ~49%,respectively Daughter particles are monochromatic, P ch ~ 125 MeV/c, P neu ~ 110 MeV/c In resonant e + e collisions, particles fluxes are: 1.5 x 10 6 K ± pairs/pb 1 1. x 10 6 K S K L pairs/pb 1 Parity conservation imposes the neutral state to be K S K L 100 fb-1 about 10 10 Kaon pairs K and factory
FRASCATI Short Range Future; 3 years DAFNE Luminosity projection Starting from 1.5*10^32, 2fb-1/year 1) Ion Cleaning Electrodes shield-removal 2) Higher positron current 3) New interaction region 4) wigglers linearization 5) Transfer lines upgrade (continuos injection) To be discussed: 1)Crab cavities 2) Waist modulation (RF quads) Final luminosity 3 times higher? Cutting edge accelerator technology
FRASCATI Less short Range Future 2010 Change of machine layout, insertion of Superconducting cavities Superconducting wigglers Ramping Dipoles New vacuum chamber Energy (cm) (GeV) 1.022.4 Integrated Luminosity per year (fbarn -1 ) >10 Total integrated luminosity (5 years, fbarn -1 ) >50>3 Peak luminosity > (cm -1 sec -2 ) >8 10 32 >10 32
DA NE 2 layout IR Wigglers rf TDR in preparation: necessary to submit the project
PHYSICS case K physics (from 2fb-1 to 50fb-1) Nuclear physics Nucleon form factors Kaonic nuclei Total cross section physics QM with kaon interferometry Test of ChPT Intense I.R Synchrotron Light Source Conceptual Design Report of the accelerator end 2006 Preliminary Letter of Intent for experiments are in preparation. We need to have an international collaboration. Experiment Letter of Intent end 2006 We ask for the INFN decision By the end 2006 International collaboration on the machine design is highly desirable
Feasibility study of hyper B-factory and synergy with ILC CTF3 at CERN going on Participation to the R&D for the ILC. Member of the GDE team Construction FEL injector systems It is important to have local laboratories working, in collaboration, on several projects It is wrong (to my opinion) to concentrate all our resources on a single project
TOTAL CROSS SECTION R Radiative return Energy Scan
a = (116592080 ± 50 stat ± 40 sys ) × 10 -11 had (5) (M z 2 ) = 0.02800 (70) Eidelman, Jegerlehner’95 0.02761 (36) Burkhardt, Pietrzyk 2001 0.02755 (23) Hagivara et al., 2004 0.02758 (35) Burkhardt, Pietrzyk 6-05 R aR a R (5) had
1) Total cross section from threshold to 2.5 GeV: scan in √s e/o ritorno radiativo Hadronic correction to g-2, running of 2) Spectroscopy (vector mesons) 3) physics: Pseudoscalars , , ’ Scalars( ,…) , , KK 4) Time-like form factors: Barioni:n, p, , Mesoni , K 5) Test of CP + QM 6) Radiative decays Mixing / ’ e ’ decays scalar meson : f 0 (980), a 0 (980), 7) KN physics Dafne2 Physics (non K)
F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005 CPT violation: the “standard” path In the standard description of the neutral K system, a charge asymmetry in semileptonic K L and K S decays is predicted due to CP and (possibly) CPT violation L = 2Re( K ) S = 2Re( K ) + CPT is violated if S ≠ L The most recent measurement are: S = (1.5 ± 10 ± 3) x 10 3 KLOE, ~400 pb 1 DAFNE-2 10-4 L = (3322 ± 58 ± 47) x 10 6 KTeV, 02
F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005 CPT and decoherence It has been suggested that quantum gravity could give rise to modification of standard QM, observed in decoherence effects together with CPT violation This can be observed in deviation of the behaviour of entagled systems (like K S K L from decays) from the one predicted by standard QM
F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005 CPT and decoherence: the EHNS model Ellis, Hagelin, Nanopoulos and (independently) Srednicki set up an evolution equation of the neutral K system containing three new CPT violating parameters , , with dimensions of energy Naively, one expects , , ~ O (M K 2 / M Plank ) ~ 10 -20 GeV Peskin and Huet worked out the expression of the usual double decay intensity of the K S K L pair from decays in the EHNS framework There appear new bizarre terms in the distribution which allow to extract experimentally limits (or measurements) of these new parameters by proper fitting
Fixing the EHNS parameters The EHNS parameters have already been constrained by CPLEAR results = ( 0.5 ± 2.8) x 10 17 GeV = ( 2.5 ± 2.3) x 10 19 GeV = ( 1.1 ± 2.5) x 10 21 GeV KLOE can reach equal sensitivity on , with present data sample just with the + + channel F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005
(/S)(/S) (/S)(/S) (/S)(/S) fb 1 Present KLOE KLOE + VDET Fixing the EHNS parameters With 20 fb 1 one can dramatically improve, especially on and In the plots below the horizontal line is CPLEAR, VDET means vert = ¼ S F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005
CPT and Bose statistics: the BMP model Bernabeu, Mavromatos and Pavassiliou argued that in presence of CPT violation induced by quantum gravity the concept of antiparticle has to be modified. In this case the K S K L state from decays does not strictly obey Bose statistics, thus modifying the final state wave function І i > = C {( І K S (+)> І K L ( )> І K L (+)>І K S ( )>) + ( І K S (+)> І K S ( )> І K L (+)>І K L ( )>)} The complex parameter quantifies the departure from Bose statistics, in a formalism in which the time evolution of the state is still described by the equations of standard QM F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005 Naively, І І ~ O (M K 2 / M Plank ) 1/2 ~ 10 -3 10 4
Measuring the parameter F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005 The parameter can be measured by a fit to the decay time distribution of the K S K L pair to + + Arg( ) = 0, І І = 1,2,3 x 10 3 t ( S units) fb 1 Present KLOE KLOE + VDET A. Di Domenico
time-like form factors p1.876 n1.879 2.231 N (p -, n 0 ) 2.378 N (p 0, n + ) 2.385 2.395 N (n - ) 2.464 NN 2.630 0 2.643 - (1)Misura sezione d’urto e + e - NN |G| 2 (2) Angular distribution of the outgoing nucleon |G E |/|G M | Accessible nucleons: (3) Measurement of the outgoing nucleon polarization (q 2 ) = E - M
F. Bossi, CSN1, Frascati 14 Ottobre 2005 NA48/1 has measured BR(K S ) = (2.78 ±0.06±0.04)x10 6 This result differs from predictions of ChPT at O(p 4 ) by 30% A preliminary analysis shows that KLOE can reach a statistical accuracy of ~ 4% with the present data sample. A projection to 20 fb 1 would give an accuracy better than 1% K S : a test for ChPT
Lepton Flavour Universality K e / K from 0.01 to 0.001 K will give Vus/Vud to 0.001
Transfer Lines Upgrade Motivation: e + e - continous injection in collision kicker e - line e + line
N-N Energy per beamE GeV 0.511.2 CircumferenceC m 100 LuminosityL cm -2 sec -1 8 10 32 10 32 Current per beamI A 2.50.5 N of bunchesNbNb 15030 Particles per bunchN10 3.13.4 Emittance mm mrad 0.30.6 Horizontal beta* xx m 11 Vertical beta* yy cm 11.5 Bunch length LL cm 12 Coupling % 11 Energy lost per turnUoUo (keV) 25189 H damping time xx (msec) 135 Beam PowerPwPw (kW) 62 (55w + 7d)94.6 (42w + 53d) Power per meterP w /m (kW/m) 8.6w + 0.5d8.4w + 3.8d
RF system A possible candidate cavity 500 MHz SC cavity operating at KEKB R&D on SC cavities with SRFF experiment in DAFNE
SC wigglers Technology developed for Light sources and colliders ELETTRA SC wiggler Built by BINP in operation since 2003
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