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SPIN PHYISICS at FAIR F. Bradamante J-PARC WORKSHOP, KEK November 30, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "SPIN PHYISICS at FAIR F. Bradamante J-PARC WORKSHOP, KEK November 30, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPIN PHYISICS at FAIR F. Bradamante J-PARC WORKSHOP, KEK November 30, 2005

2 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop Generalized Parton Distributions

3 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop 50 MeV Proton Linac SIS18 booster per protoni - 1 GeV Sincrotrone a doppio anello per accelerare p a 28 GeV per targhetta di produzione accelerare antip da 3 GeV per trasferirli a HERS con SIS300 (anti)p a piu’ di 40 GeV Collector Ring NERS raffreddamento stocastico antip FAIR High Energy Sorage Ring

4 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop Physics with Polarized Antiprotons at GSI ASSIA LoI SIS300 @ GSI: p pbar > 40 GeV Physics objectives: Drell-Yan di-lepton production  transversity spin observables in hadron production electromagnetic form factors PAX LoI

5 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop Drell-Yan: the asimmetries depend only on the PDF’s in SIDIS they are convoluted with spin dependent fragmentation functions (*) antiprotons: only valence quark contribute in proton-proton sea quarks also (*) only SIDIS allows for flavour separation Drell-Yan Di-Lepton Production cinematica

6 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop Drell-Yan Asymmetries Beam and target polarized

7 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop ASSIA Collaboration + Novosibirsk (Y. Shatunov et al.) investigations of possible machine options to have polarized proton - antiproton collisions at sufficiently high energies symmetric collider (15 GeV + 15 GeV) asymmetric collider (3.5 GeV + 3.5 GeV) feasibility study of part of the program at PANDA simulations studies for the Drell-Yan process PAX apparatus studies studies on the polarizability of the antiprotons: proposed measurements at COSY and at AD Spin Physics at FAIR work in progress towards a Spin Experiment with AntiProtons (SEAP) in parallelo a PANDA

8 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop SEAP IP

9 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop

10 F. BradamanteJ-PARC Workshop Transverse Structure Functions (Drell-Yan) 30 GeV/c 15 GeV/c 40 GeV/c  = const: hyperbolae x F = const: diagonal PANDA (GSI) ASSIA (GSI) COMPASS Phase space

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