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Myths of Creation: Origins

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1 Myths of Creation: Origins
Classical Mythology Myths of Creation: Origins

2 Hercules 1997; click on the image to see the scene
Immortals 2011

3 Marduk fightin Tiamat. Impression of a Babylonian cylinder seal.
Julie Newdoll, The Second World was Blue. From a series based on Navajo sand painting. Wikipedia The brothers Odin, Vili, and Vé attack Ymir in an illustration of the Prose Edda by Lorenz Frølich ( ).

4 Genealogical chart from Buxton.

5 The Tellus Panel from the Ara Pacis. Rome, 9 BCE.
Roman Tellus=Greek Gaea; also IDed as Peace, Venus Genetrix. The Tellus Panel from the Ara Pacis. Rome, 9 BCE.

6 Davis (http://archiv. ub. uni-heidelberg
Davis ( Vasari influenced by Michelangelo’s Noah and His Three Sons in Sistine Chapel. Alberti calls the figs a chorus of the ten attributes attributed to God (Corona, Sapientia, Prudentia, Clementia or Bontà, Gratia or Severità, Hornamento, Triompho, Confessione di Lode, Fondamento, and Regno). Daedalus is lower left; a god above breaths life into a statue; women are allegories Castrazione del Cielo fatta da Saturno. Fresco by Giorgio Vasari, Sala degli Elementi, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.

7 The Birth of Venus. Sandro Botticelli. 1483-1485. Florence, Uffizi.
Aphrodite Rising. Detail of the Ludovisi Throne, ca. 460 BC. Rome, National Museum. The Birth of Venus. Sandro Botticelli Florence, Uffizi. Wikipedia

8 Saturn Devouring His Son. Francisco Goya. 1819-1823. Madrid, Prado.
Wikipedia Metropolitan Museum Saturn Devouring His Son. Francisco Goya Madrid, Prado. Rhea Gives Cronus a Stone Disguised as the Infant Zeus. Athenian red-figure pelike, attributed to the Nausicaä Painter, 450s. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art,.

9 The Olympians on the Parthenon Eastern Frieze, later 440s.
Hermes, Dionysus, Demeter, Ares, Nike (or Iris), Hera, Zeus, Athena, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis and Aphrodite, Eros Hermes, Dionysus, Demeter, Ares, Nike (or Iris), Hera, Zeus, Athena, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Eros

10 Elpenor, Odysseus, and Hermes in Hades
Elpenor, Odysseus, and Hermes in Hades. Attic red-figure pilike by the Lykaon Painter, ca Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. Elpenor fell from Circe’s roof; the two rams are the sacrifice to revivify the dead

11 Gigantomachy on an Attic red-figure pelike attributed to the Pronomos Painter, ca National Museum, Athens Ares spears a giant, the Dioscuri flank him, one mounted. Zeus and Typhoeus. Stamp based on a Black-figure hydria in Munich, ca 550 BC

12 Pergamum Altar, II. Pergamonmuseum, Berlin.

13 The cosmography of Homer and Hesiod.

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