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Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational PREparatory SCHoOL 1 Malomárok Street, Eger Bálint.

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Presentation on theme: "Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational PREparatory SCHoOL 1 Malomárok Street, Eger Bálint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational PREparatory SCHoOL 1 Malomárok Street, Eger Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational PREparatory SCHoOL 1 Malomárok Street, Eger

2 Bálint Balassi He was born on 20th October, 1554, in Zólyom, Hungary. He was the child of Baron János Balassi and Anna Sulyok. He died a glorious death on 30th May, 1594 at the siege of recapturing Esztergom. Bálint Balassi was the first great classic of the Hungarian literature. His own works weren’t published in print during his life; his collection of poems and Beautiful Hungarian Comedy remained only in a manuscript copy. The reason for it probably was the topic of love, which was considered to be immoral, „lecherous” in Hungary of the age. According to the consensus of history of literature Balassi was a renaissance poet, the first Hungarian Petrarcist. His poetry was Platonic, though it had medieval features and he represented the first transition to materialism. Bálint Balassi was the first great classic of the Hungarian literature. His own works weren’t published in print during his life; his collection of poems and Beautiful Hungarian Comedy remained only in a manuscript copy. The reason for it probably was the topic of love, which was considered to be immoral, „lecherous” in Hungary of the age. According to the consensus of history of literature Balassi was a renaissance poet, the first Hungarian Petrarcist. His poetry was Platonic, though it had medieval features and he represented the first transition to materialism.

3 Centralization

4 Institution Maintainer Centre Ministry of Human Resources

5 Klebelsberg Institution Maintainer Centre (KIK) started its job as the country’s biggest state organization, which merges all the country’s primary schools, high schools, vocational schools, student hostels and pedagogic offices, except for the denominational and private institutes. KIK is responsible for operating three thousand institutions, educating 1,2 million students, and it directs the job of 150 thousand employees from more than 400 milliard forints. Klebelsberg Institution Maintainer Centre (KIK) started its job as the country’s biggest state organization, which merges all the country’s primary schools, high schools, vocational schools, student hostels and pedagogic offices, except for the denominational and private institutes. KIK is responsible for operating three thousand institutions, educating 1,2 million students, and it directs the job of 150 thousand employees from more than 400 milliard forints. 120,000 30,000 1,200,000 3000 400,000,000,000 Institution Maintainer Centre

6 District of Eger

7 School district 198 School district 198 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School, Eger Ministry of Human Resources Institution Maintainer Centre District of Eger

8 13,000 1,700 39 Institution Maintainer Centre District of Eger

9 School structure Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School

10 Institutional documents Foundation document KLIK 091002 Professional document (unique, Balassi) OM (Ministry of Education) identification number: 031462 Foundation document KLIK 091002 Professional document (unique, Balassi) OM (Ministry of Education) identification number: 031462

11 Local Government of Eger School maintenance and operation Institution Maintainer Centre

12 School management Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Centre School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School Vice Principal Head of the Member School Head of the Member School Head of the Member School Head of the Member School Head of the Member School Head of the Member School Principal

13 Guidance of the principal IGAZGATÓ Igazgató helyettes/ek Munkaközösség vezetők Pedagógusok Iskolatitkár Karbantartók, portás, takarítók PRINCIPAL VICE PRINCIPAL/S HEAD/S OF DEPARTMENTS TEACHING STAFF SCHOOL SECRETARY REPAIRMEN, PORTERS, CLEANERS

14 Principal’s authorities and tasks Official representation of the Institute Having contacts with the maintainer Employment competences (partial) Indicating common pedagogical trends Group organization Pupils’ admission, schooling Managing the number of pupils in the school

15 Leadership structure of the Institution Leaders’ meeting (Leaders’ Council) Principal, Heads of Member Schools, Deputy heads, Heads of the Trade Union, Head of the Civil Servant Council

16 Employee’s Representation of Interest Trade Unions PSZ (Teachers’ & Educators’ Trade Union) PDSZ (Teachers’& Educators’ Democratic Trade Union) in each institution and School Leaders’ Council Civil Servants’ Council in each institution and School Leaders’ Council Trade Unions PSZ (Teachers’ & Educators’ Trade Union) PDSZ (Teachers’& Educators’ Democratic Trade Union) in each institution and School Leaders’ Council Civil Servants’ Council in each institution and School Leaders’ Council

17 Parents’ Representation of Interest Intézmény SZMK Intézményegység SZMK Osztály SZMK On member school level Institution level Constitution of operation and organisation on class level

18 Number of classes: Sum Total: 51 Sum Total: 51 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) 23 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) 23 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School 17 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School 17 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School 10 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School 10 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocsi Member School 1 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocsi Member School 1

19 Number of Teachers: Sum Total: 114 Sum Total: 114 Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School 51 36 24 3 3

20 Number of Teacher Assistants: Sum total: 18 Sum total: 18 Bálint Balassi Primary Scool and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary Scool and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School 5 5 3 3 9 9 1 1

21 Number of Students: Sum Total: 1069 Sum Total: 1069 Bálint Balassi Primary Scool and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary Scool and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School 493 398 157 21

22 Number of Socially Disadvantaged Students: Sum Total: 118 Sum Total: 118 Bálint Balassi Primary Scool and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary Scool and Vocational Preparatory School (centre) Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Sebestyén Tinódi Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Ferenc Móra Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School Bálint Balassi Primary School and Vocational Preparatory School Egerbocs Member School 58 34 24 2 2

23 England Tempus - Comenius

24 England Tempus - Comenius

25 Sweden Tempus - Comenius

26 Slovenia Tempus - Comenius

27 Translated by: Mónika Angyal Thank you for your attention! István Lachata Principal 2013 István Lachata Principal 2013

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