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AEROCOM direct aerosol experiment A2 Status per 15.04.2011 Some model groups are still in the process of submitting results. Not all submitted results.

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Presentation on theme: "AEROCOM direct aerosol experiment A2 Status per 15.04.2011 Some model groups are still in the process of submitting results. Not all submitted results."— Presentation transcript:

1 AEROCOM direct aerosol experiment A2 Status per 15.04.2011 Some model groups are still in the process of submitting results. Not all submitted results have been analysed.

2 RF [W/m 2 ] Comp CAM4- Oslo HadGEM 2-ES MPIHAM_V 2_KZ OsloCTM 2 SPRINTARS- v384 GISS- MATRIX GISS- modelE CAM5- MAM3-PNNL All-0.05-0.31-0.15-0.43-0.28-0.49-0.62-2.08 SO4-0.45-0.31-0.28-0.57-0.37-0.25-0.18 BCFF0.360.190.140.370.140.170.25 OAFF-0.03-0.04-0.01-0.09-0.02-0.03 BB0.08-0.070.02-0.02 -0.01 SOA-0.02-0.07-0.02 NO3-0.11-0.03-0.13 CSum-0.04-0.33-0.15-0.41-0.27-0.240.02

3 RF [W/m2]

4 Burden [mg/m2] NRF [W/g] Comp CAM4- Oslo HadGEM 2-ES MPIHAM_V 2_KZ OsloCTM 2 SPRINTARS- v384 GISS- MATRIX GISS- modelE CAM5- MAM3-PNNL SO41.901.592.302.532.131.540.891.68 BCFF0.140.310. OAFF0. BB1.780.480.661.310.00 SOA0.38 0.28 NO30.440.170.330.70 Comp CAM4- Oslo HadGEM 2-ES MPIHAM_V 2_KZ OsloCTM 2 SPRINTARS- v384 GISS- MATRIX GISS- modelE CAM5- MAM3-PNNL SO4-235.7-193.5-122.5-223.5-171.7-163.5-109.5 BCFF2556.4612.01257.62216.4865.42409.32698.1 OAFF-190.0-144.9-81.2-106.1-97.6-98.9-76.7 BB43.8-142.6-29.8-13.9 SOA-181.5-55.9 NO3-248.8-190.0-397.6

5 NRF [W/g]

6 AOT Comp CAM4- Oslo HadGEM2 -ES MPIHAM_V 2_KZOsloCTM2 SPRINTARS- v384 GISS- MATRIX GISS- modelE CAM5-MAM3- PNNL SO40.0180.0140.0070.0280.0220.0370.010 BCFF0.002 0.0010.0020.0002 OAFF0.002 0.0060.0020.0050.003 BB0.0140.004 SOA0.0010.0030.002 NO30.0060.0020.037 NRFA Comp CAM4- Oslo HadGEM2 -ES MPIHAM_V 2_KZOsloCTM2 SPRINTARS- v384 GISS- MATRIX GISS- modelE CAM5-MAM3- PNNL SO4-24.7-21.7-42.9-19.9-16.6-19.4 BCFF238.6114.1430.6168.6256.01465.1 OAFF-18.7-20.6-15.9-9.9-11.6 BB5.7-17.8-4.9 SOA-28.5-26.8-6.9 NO3-19.2-17.1

7 NRF [W/m2]

8 Ext.coeff [m^2/g] Comp CAM4- Oslo HadGEM2 -ES MPIHAM_V 2_KZOsloCTM2 SPRINTARS- v384 GISS- MATRIX GISS- modelE CAM5-MAM3- PNNL SO49.58.92.911.210.342.05.7 BCFF10.75.413.13.413.81.8 OAFF10. BB7.68.06.1 SOA6.78.1 NO313.011.253.4

9 RF TOA – model mean (CAM4-Oslo, HADGEM2-ES, OsloCTM2, MPIHAM_V2_KZ)


11 RF TOA – model mean (CAM4-Oslo, OsloCTM2)

12 RF SURF – model mean (CAM4-Oslo, OsloCTM2)

13 Modelrsutrsutcs rsdsrsusrsdscsrsuscs* CAM4-OsloYesNoYes No GISS-MATRIXEquivYes NoYesNo GISS-modelEEquivYes NoYesNo HadGEM-ESYes NoYes MPIHAM_V2_KZYesCtrlNo OsloCTM2Yes No SPRINTARS-v384Yes No CAM5-MAM3-PNNLYes No *Not requested, can be calculated from the others YesDelivered NoNot delivered EquivEquivalent variable delivered that can be used PreDelivered for PRE only CtrlDelivered for CTRL only AEROCOM A2 – TOA/surface rad flux variables, per 2011-03-04

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