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An application of deterministic aperiodic structures : Sensing with Plasmonic quasi- crystals Ata Akatay July 24, 2009 Photonic Crystals - Romuald Houdré.

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Presentation on theme: "An application of deterministic aperiodic structures : Sensing with Plasmonic quasi- crystals Ata Akatay July 24, 2009 Photonic Crystals - Romuald Houdré."— Presentation transcript:

1 An application of deterministic aperiodic structures : Sensing with Plasmonic quasi- crystals Ata Akatay July 24, 2009 Photonic Crystals - Romuald Houdré

2 Application idea periodic media => the formation of well-defined energy gaps disordered random media => the presence of localized eigenstates with high field enhancement and Q-factors deterministic aperiodic structures => Suggest solutions in between « defined by the iterations of simple mathematical rules, rooted in symbolic dynamics, prime number theory and L-system inflations » Dal Negro, L. and N. N. Feng (2007) deterministic aperiodic structures

3 Periodic Fibonacci quasi-periodic structures Thue–Morse and aperiodic structures Rudin–Shapiro structures absolutely continuous singular continuous quasiperiodic Dal Negro, L. and N. N. Feng (2007)

4 Fractal Fourier spectra Fibonacci quasi-periodic structures Thue–Morse and aperiodic structures Rudin–Shapiro structures Dal Negro, L. and N. N. Feng (2007)


6 Aperiodic nanoparticle chain Dal Negro, L., N. N. Feng, et al. (2008)

7 The dipole equations of motion : Transfer matrix approach valid within the dipole approximation Simplifies to :where, In frequency domain : and gives : Dal Negro, L. and N. N. Feng (2007)

8 Analysis the integrated density of states (IDS) of the chain: participation ratio yields a quantitative measure of the localization degree of the eigenstates:

9 Dal Negro, L. and N. N. Feng (2007)


11 Dal Negro, L., N. N. Feng, et al. (2008)


13 Conclusion whispering-gallery (WG) mode microcavities  low shifts of modal frequencies SP sensors, which benefit from high values of field intensities in the detection region  broad resonance linewidths (low Q-factors), which is a limiting factor in the spectral resolution of such devices. deterministic aperiodic structures Can be designed for more flexible solutions

14 References 1.Dal Negro, L. and N. N. Feng (2007). "Spectral gaps and mode localization in Fibonacci chains of metal nanoparticles." Optics Express 15(22): 14396-14403. 2.Dal Negro, L., N. N. Feng, et al. (2008). "Electromagnetic coupling and plasmon localization in deterministic aperiodic arrays." Journal of Optics a- Pure and Applied Optics 10(6): -.

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