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Course and sample characteristics  Characteristics of the course: this distance course intended to teach attendants how to sell credit cards and was offered.

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Presentation on theme: "Course and sample characteristics  Characteristics of the course: this distance course intended to teach attendants how to sell credit cards and was offered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course and sample characteristics  Characteristics of the course: this distance course intended to teach attendants how to sell credit cards and was offered by the corporative university of a big Brazilian financial institution. It was a short time course and focused on the core area of the organization. The content was classified on the cognitive domain according to Bloom (Rodrigues Júnior, 1997);  The sample was of 422 employees;  Sample Characteristics: 54% male; 66,8% married; 98,3% placed in the core work area; e 58,8% with college degree.Instruments  Based on preview T&D research and adapted to the analyzed environment;  Didactic Material Analysis: 34 items working as a check-list to evaluate instructional strategies adequacy, exercises quality, activities planning, teaching sequence and information sources;  The instrument contains 19 items built in terms of observable behaviors from trainees at work after the program, associated to a Likert scale anchored in 0 (for "never") and 10 (for "always"). Procedure Procedure  Didactic Material Analysis – discussions based on the individual analysis of each researcher;  Impact instrument – sent by e-mail to all participants of the course,  Descriptive analysis of deep impact;  Principal Components and Principal Axis Factoring with Oblimin Rotation;  Use of the statistics package SPSS – Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 10.1 version for Windows. 2 - METHOD DEEP IMPACT EVALUATION OF A DISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM University of Brasília Institute of Psychology Impacto: Research on Training and Organizations of Work Authors: Gardênia Abbad Clarissa Tolentino Kátia Todeschini Ana Rachel Silva 5 – REFERENCES Abbad, G. (1999). Um modelo integrado de avaliação do impacto do treinamento no trabalho – IMPACT. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília Hamblin, A.C. (1978). Avaliação e controle do treinamento. São Paulo: McGraw-Hill do Brasil. Rodrigues Júnior, J. F. (1997). A taxonomia de objetivos educacionais: um manual para o usuário. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília. 1 - INTRODUCTION The purpose of this research is to develop technology in measurement instruments for courses available through virtual learning environments. Literature in this area considers a five-level model of training evaluation; the levels are: trainee reaction, learning, impact of training at work, results, and final value (Hamblin, 1978). Impact of training at work can be evaluated in depth and width. Deep impact measures the training effects over participants' subsequent performance, according to the course's instructional objectives (Abbad, 1999). OBJECTIVE Develop and statistically validate a measure instrument of deep impact of training at work for a distance training course 4 – DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS  In terms of contribution to training systems, results indicated that the use of combined quantitative and qualitative measures allow better alternatives for explaining success or failure of instructional events, aiding decision-making for future actions related to the training system of the institution. 3 - RESULTS Factorial analysis (oblique rotation) presents only one valid and trustworthy solution (KMO=0,87), where the structure is monofactorial, and explains 38% of variance (Cronbach's alfa = 0,87). This is different from what previous studies with similar scales have shown, whose results revealed a bifactorial structure (see Table 1). PRONEX Fubra

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