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Present Perfect – Předpřítomný čas Čeština tento čas nemá. Vyjadřuje děj, který se stal v minulosti a trvá až do teď, nebo jeho následky stále pociťujeme,

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Presentation on theme: "Present Perfect – Předpřítomný čas Čeština tento čas nemá. Vyjadřuje děj, který se stal v minulosti a trvá až do teď, nebo jeho následky stále pociťujeme,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Perfect – Předpřítomný čas Čeština tento čas nemá. Vyjadřuje děj, který se stal v minulosti a trvá až do teď, nebo jeho následky stále pociťujeme, nebo týká se období, které ještě trvá

2 Trvá až do teď I have lived in London for ten years. Žil jsem a stále žiji v Londýně už deset let. I have visited the USA. Během svého (až do teď) života jsem už navštívil USA.

3 Jeho následky stále pociťujeme I have broken my arm. Zlomil jsem si ruku (a proto teď nemohu psát). I have found ten dollars. Našel jsem deset dolarů (a jdu je roztočit). She has left me. Opustila mě (a jak to bolí). I have lost my keys. Ztratil jsem klíče (a teď se nemůžu dostat domů). I haven‘t eaten since morning. Nejedl jsem od rána (a mám pořádný hlad).

4 Týká se období, které ještě trvá This month we have had six exams. Tento měsíc jsme (už) měli šest zkoušek. We haven‘t been to Prague this week. Tento týden jsme (ještě) nebyli v Praze.

5 Lesson 6a - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar Lesson 6b - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar Lesson 6c - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar Lesson 6d - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

6 Lesson 4 - Present Perfect/ Present Perfect Progressive

7 Present Perfect

8 I have received a request from Jack Glick from Israel. Jack has kindly sent in a photo of himself. Jack writes: Could you please explain the present perfect for dummies. Thanks in advance. I have decided to make a very short, but sweet Dose to make this verb tense as easy as possible. The present perfect is formed using the auxiliary verb to have and a main verb in the past participle. A past participle is the third form of the verb. Take the verb look, for instance. The root verb, the infinitive, is to look. Look is a regular verb. All regular verbs add -ed to the root verb to make the past simple. The past simple of look, the second form, is looked. Regular verbs also add -ed to the root verb to form the third form, the past participle. The past participle of look is looked. It is this form that we use in the present perfect tense. Take the auxiliary verb, to have, and add the main verb, look in the third or past participle form. I have looked at Jack's request and have decided to make his Daily Dose of English. For questions... Have you looked at Jack's request? Yes, I have looked at Jack's request, but I have not looked at the other requests. Irregular verbs do not have an -ed ending in the past simple or the past participle form. Irregular verbs like to be a bit different. Take the verb, eat, for instance. The root verb, or infinitive, is to eat. The past simple form is ate and the past participle form is eaten. Once again, let's take the auxiliary verb have and add it to the main verb eat to make the present perfect tense. Have you eaten? Yes, I have eaten, or No, I haven't eaten. So, that's how you make the present perfect tense for questions, affirmatives and negatives. But what do we use the present perfect for? I have made over 140 Daily Doses of English. This sentence uses the present perfect form. It has the auxiliary verb have and the past participle of the verb to make. Make is an irregular verb, like eat. The sentence, I have made over 140 Daily Doses of English does not tell us when. It simply refers to an unspecified time in the past. It does suggest that I have not finished making Daily Doses of English. I have lived in Spain since May 2003. This is also in the present perfect. It uses since to tell us the time period in which I have been living in Spain, and suggests that I still live in Spain. You could also say, Richard has lived in Spain for 8 years. This uses for to tell us that I have been living in Spain for a period of 8 years and suggests that I still live in Spain. Notice the change to has for the third person singular. This is different to the past simple, Richard lived in Spain for 8 years, which still tells us a period of time, but suggests that I no longer live in Spain. Richard has made another Daily Dose of English does not tell us when it was made. Richard has just made another Daily Dose of English tells us that I have made it recently. In fact, I have made seven Daily Doses of English this month, including this one. This tells us that the time period that I am talking about, this month, has not finished yet. Now take a look at this paragraph on the left and see if you can complete the verbs in the present perfect tense. After you have watched I will show you the right answers. You might want to write them on a piece of paper. Press the pause button now and complete the answers. Now here are the correct answers. Did you get them all right? Press pause to check. I hope you have enjoyed this Daily Dose of English and I'll see you again soon for another one. Goodbye for now.

9 Sia - You Have Been Loved Lyrics

10 You shot me up, yeah You filled my cup, oh You sailed my boat You were my last hope You took my very last hope away Oh you, you will be loved by someone good And you, you will be loved by somebody good You have been loved You dropped the bomb And now you're gone I held you dear You swallowed my fears And now I've drunk my last beer with you Oh you, you have been loved by someone good Yeah you, you will be loved Oh will you ever know That the bitterness and anger left me long ago Only sadness remains And it will pass Yeah you you will be loved by somebody good By somebody good

11 Have You Ever Seen The rain? - Creedence Clearwater RevivalCreedence Clearwater Revival

12 Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen the Rain (lyrics)

13 Top Comments This was the first band I heard when I was a kid that made me "notice" the music, its parts and structure, the individual instruments, and the beautiful soulful vocals and melody. Here it is 45 years after these songs were recorded, and they're still as powerful as they were back then. The way they've stood the test of time is a testament to their true greatness that nobody can deny. I learned to appreciate and play music because of this band‘s influence on me at that early age. Thank you CCR. gatekeeper65

14 Present Perfect tense (We have gone) and Simple past tense (we went)

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