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The History of Public Relations Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D Lecturer in School of Communication Brawijaya Uiniversity.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Public Relations Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D Lecturer in School of Communication Brawijaya Uiniversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Public Relations Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D Lecturer in School of Communication Brawijaya Uiniversity

2 HAPPY STUDYING Harap Membaca: -Grunig, J.E., & Hunt, T. (1984). Managing PR. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. -Kriyantono, R. (2014). Teori public relations perspectif barat dan local: Aplikasi penelitian & praktik. Jakarta: Prenada -Kriyantono, R. (2012). PR writing. Jakarta: Prenada -Lattimore, D., Baskin, O., Heiman, S., & Toth, E. (2007), PR: The profession & the practice. NY: McGraw Hill -Newsom, D., Scott,A., & Turk, J.V. (1993). This is PR: The realities of public relations. California: Wardworth. -Seitel, F. (2001). The practice of PR. NJ: Prentice Hall Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

3  PR as social activities  PR as professional practice & profession  PR as science Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang Three aspects of PR Growth

4 PR as social activities Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

5 -PR activities emerged at the same time with the growth human life. -Ubiquitous nature of public relations (Horsley, 2009, in Kriyantono, 2014) -The principles of public relations have been known, studied, and practiced for centuries (Leahigh, 1993, cited in Kriyantono, 2014) WHY? Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

6 -The basic principles of PR -building trust & tell the truth- are the basic principles in interacting with other to fulfill the needs (Kriyantono, 2014) -PR is as old as civilization because its activities are persuasive effort. Many persuasive tactics today are applied by society leaders for thousand years. (Newsom, Scott & Turk, 1993). Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

7 PR as Practice & Profession Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

8 From Grunig & Hunt (1984); Lattimore, dkk (2007) & Seitel (2001), the growth of PR can be categorized into 7 eras: * Ancient (Rhetorician) & European Era * The early American * Young National of America * Publicity & Press Agentry * Public Information * Persuasive * Relationship Building Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

9 * 1800 B.C: farm bulletin in Iraq about techniques of harvesting, sowing & irrigating. * L’Etang’s (2004) idea that the growth of public relations as activity as old as journalistic since Greece and Roman era. * Rhetoricians (speechmakers): speech-writing, speaking on clients’ behalf, training for difficult questions. * Julius Cesar were master of persuasive techniques. He united public support through publications & staged event when faced with an upcoming battle. * Industrial revolution make the need of PR increased: social structure change, the rise of conflict of interest * 1600: a college of propaganda was built by catholic church to inform public about catholicism. At that time, the term propaganda was not negative connotation Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang


11 Young Nation of America Cesar’s model was “ stealed” by US public information committee during PR strategies had been applied primarily in the political sphere “History’s finest PR” The federalist Papers was published & disseminated for the ratification of US Constitution Amos Kendall was the first presidential press secretary & congressional liaison when Presiden Andrew Jackson appointed him. Newspapers, for the first time, was used to inform a rising middle class as a result of urbanization, advance eduacation & literacy rates. Publicity drove the settlement of the American western frontier Source: Lattimore, dkk, 2007 & Seitel, 2001 Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

12 Publicity (Press-Agentry) Era Phineas T. Barnum: Master of press-agentry a consummate show-man (middle & late 1800s) Originated many methods for attracting public attention He contributed to our understanding of the power of publicity But, to do that, he was lack of honestly & did not let the truth interfere He was called “harmless deceiver” (London Times) Press-agentry is used to circuses, entertainment & professional sports, negative potential is limited; its use in business & politics is more threatening Source: Grunig & Hunt, 1984; Kriyantono, 2014; Lattimore, dkk, 2007 Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

13 Journalistic & Public Information Era O As a result of industrial era in 19th century in US. O Business needs PR to solve business matters, conflicts, counter hostility, court public support the need of mass media O PR does ”in house journalist”. O George Michaelis established the Publicity Bureau in Boston (1900) gathered factual information about his clients & distributed to newspapers (fact finding & personal contact). O Theodore Rosevelt was the first president who make extensive use of press conferences & interviews rule the country from newspapers’ front pages ‘1’ Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

14 O Ivy Lee - Ivy Lee is the real father of modern PR (Grunig & Hunt, 1984; Lattimore, dkk, 2007; Seitel, 2001): - Public should be informed - Declaration of principle: tell the truth - Good words must be supported by positive actions - PR as a management function: Good policy makes good PR Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

15 Persuasive (Two Way Assimetric) Era (World War I) O Using psychological principles of mass persuasion/scientific persuasion O Woodrow Wilson set up Public Information Commitee, led by George Creel & Lasswell O Edward Bernays: - Leading proponent of persuasion in PR - Practitioner as management councelor - Emphasized the social science to PR - The firs book on PR (cristalizing public opinion) - Taught the firs college PR course at NY Univ (1923) - Counselor & speaking until his death in 1995 (103 years old) Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

16  Dialogic communication  Arthur Page - Vice president of AT&T - Business in a democratic country depends on public permission and approval Doris Fleischman Bernays - Struggling for equality in PR Rex Harlow - A leading PR educator - First professor - Founder of American Council of PR, to be PRSA (1952) - Founder PR Journal Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

17  Concept of public relations was born in 1913 at Electric Railway Journal when a discussion about publicity and public opinion.  Public relations profession grew when a profession organization was born: Public Relations Society of America in 1940 (Horsley, 2009).  The matureness era had occurred up to 1979 w 2014hen public relations was included as a part of management fuction (Newsom, et al, 1993). Source: Kriyantono (2014); Newsom, et al (1993) Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

18 PR as Science

19  Sriramesh & Vercic’s (2003): public relations profession increased in democracy and technology era in 20 th century.  Over the last 20 years public relations has evolved into a major area of applied communication based in research of significant quantity and quality (Botan & Taylor, 2004)  Public Relations Review (1975) has consisted of research and findings, not only articles about profession (Sisco, et al, 2011)  public relations as multidiscipline social science, applied & behaviour science (WHY ? )  Barneys’s a new propaganda  Cutlip & Center’s two basic propositions: management function & communication between organization and public  PR has paradigm & Theories  Objective, interpretif/co-creational, kritis (Source: Kriyantono, 2014) Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

20 METATEORI PR  Retorika  Evolutionary Theory  Psikoanalisis  Marxisme (Source: Kriyantono, 2014; Rogers, 1997) Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

21 TEORI-TEORI PR  Lack of theory or theoretical lateness  Borrowed theories  Directly applied: -Agenda setting -Uses & gratification -Spriral & Silence -Cognitive Dissonance -Elaborated Likelihod Model -Apologia -Atribution -Uncertainty Reduction, etc -System Theory -Impression management -Critical PR (Source: Kriyantono, 2014) Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

22 Original Theories of PR  Grunig’s Situational theory of the Publics  Grunig & Hunt’s four model  Grunig, et al Excellence Theory  Coombs’ Situatioal Crisis Comunication Theory  Cameron’s Contingency theory of Accommodation in PR  Benoit’s Image Restoration Theory  Encroachment Theory  Agenda Building-Information Subsidies Source: Kriyantono, 2014) Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

23 The Teorists  James E. Grunig  Larissa Grunig  David Dozier  Timothy W. Coombs  Glen Cameron  William Benoit  Elizabeth L. Toth  Jaques L’Etang  Robert Heath Rachmat Kriyantono, Ph.D -Lecturer of Public Relations, School of Communication UB Malang

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