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Results of the Food Circle/HANNN project - Food for Healthy Ageing Seminar Action plan for the future of organic production in the EU: time for regions.

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Presentation on theme: "Results of the Food Circle/HANNN project - Food for Healthy Ageing Seminar Action plan for the future of organic production in the EU: time for regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of the Food Circle/HANNN project - Food for Healthy Ageing Seminar Action plan for the future of organic production in the EU: time for regions to act Saskia van Gend 12 March 2015

2 About Food Circle an EU funded initiative 2011 - 2014 Increase the return of the food industry in the Northern Netherlands by stimulating innovation and increasing the number of jobs Stimulate network in the Northern Netherlands Stimulate innovation by demand- driven research: Food for Healthy Ageing

3 29 sessions: big seminars, small workshops Themes: Natural Health from Food, Food 3D printing, Food for Care – Care for Costs lower health costs by food, claims, healthy fibres … 202 companies visited more than 1 session Results network programme

4 21 SME’s: 15 research projects with University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden and Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen Results demand driven research e.g. High caloric bread, use of natural colours, preserve texture, bioavailability vegetable proteins, low carb sensations, preserve nutrients, predict using DNA, bioactive components in mustard, fat analysis in beef, acetone analysis when exhaling 2015: New Product line ‘Tasty Basics’ will be tested in University Medical Center Groningen High caloric bread will be tested in Medical Center Leeuwarden (geriatric patients) Launch of new jelly product for bakery market

5 Overall Results Food Circle Overall Aim: 28 FTE 11 FTE during the project 39 FTE expected in the coming 5 years Aim: €374.764 further investments €1.165.000 further investments by companies in de coming 5 years Source: qualitative research among 8 SME’s

6 Het project Food Circle - Food for Healthy Ageing wordt medegefinancierd door Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland, het Europees Fonds voor regionale ontwikkeling en door het ministerie van EZ, Pieken in de Delta. Hier wordt geïnvesteerd in uw toekomst. Follow Food Circle: @Food_Circle Food Circle team

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