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1 TTF Superconducting Quadrupole Doublet Simulation with MAFIA to compare with Measurements Michaela Marx 27 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TTF Superconducting Quadrupole Doublet Simulation with MAFIA to compare with Measurements Michaela Marx 27 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TTF Superconducting Quadrupole Doublet Simulation with MAFIA to compare with Measurements Michaela Marx 27 March 2006

2 2 Sketch from technical drawing shielding plate Quadrupole Doublet  beam direction 

3 3 TTF Quadupole: General Information iron quality: HERA Iron laminated plates, 5 mm thickness aperture radius = 56 mm length: 150 mm distance between 2 Quads in doublet: 100 mm maximum current: 60 A

4 4 The MAFIA Model: 2d view One quarter of the quadrupole has been discretized on a rectangular grid, (grid distance = 1 mm). Coil is simulated by 5 filaments.

5 5 The MAFIA Model: 3D view

6 6 MAFIA: Calculation Results Field B abs plotted in beam direction at different radial positions near pole tip, I = 30 A, both quadrupoles focus in the same plane Bmax = 194.7 mT Bmax = 179 mT B max = 163.5 mT

7 7 MAFIA: Calculation Results Gradient g = 11 T/m TTF Quadrupole Doublet, I = 30 A

8 8 Measurement: Sketch of the testing probe 12 10 y x z Probenvolumen (x y z): 0.2 x 1.5 x.5 mm 3 41 8.5 41 Probenhalter in Messrohr (~42.5), Probe im Messrohr frei, daher radiale Position nicht genau bestimmt!!! (Transparency from H. Brück)

9 9 Measurements Measurements have been done for a quadrupole doublet with I=30 and I=60 A. Both quadrupoles focus in the same plane. Bmax = 293 mT Bmax = 177.8 mT

10 10 Results: Comparison of Measurement and MAFIA Simulation Good agreement between simulation and measurement. Exact position of measurement could not be determined and was estimated to compare with the simulation. =  More calculations will follow for lower currents and different current distributions to simulate a quadrupole doublet consisting of a horizontal and a vertical focussing quadrupole. Deviation of ΔB = 1.2 mT

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