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Presented by: Josua Tarigan, MBA, CMA, CFP, CSRS Performance Management System: Introduction [Ch 1-2]

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Josua Tarigan, MBA, CMA, CFP, CSRS Performance Management System: Introduction [Ch 1-2]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Josua Tarigan, MBA, CMA, CFP, CSRS Performance Management System: Introduction [Ch 1-2]

2 Slide 2 The Book

3 Slide 3 Changing of Business Environment: Global Competition

4 Slide 4 Type of Globalization Economics Social Culture Manage ment

5 Slide 5 Global Competition

6 Slide 6 Changing of Business Environment “Tidak ada yang pasti di dunia ini kecuali perubahan itu sendiri” Perubahan tidak selalu membawa kemajuan, tetapi kemajuan selalu membutuhkan perubahan -Henry Steele Commager

7 Slide 7 Rules for Ensuring Poor Performance Tanpa Sistem Kinerja Bisnis menghasilkan “poor performance” Sistem Kinerja Bisnis juga masih banyak yang fokus pada financial perspective

8 Slide 8 Performance Management: Myth or Realty Performance management is all about improvement – synchronizing improvement to create value for customer with result of economic value creation to stockholders (owners)- Cokins

9 Slide 9 Performance Management: Myth or Realty Performance management may be defined as the integrated seat of management processes which link strategy into execution- (Frank Buytendijk, 2009)

10 Slide 10 Performance Management: Myth or Realty It is the process of managing organization’s strategy with 3 major choice: (1) What products or services line should we/ should we not offer? (2) What markets and types of customers should we/ shoulde we not offer? (3) How are we going to win and keep winning?

11 Slide 11 Performance Management: Myth or Realty Performance management is not just performance measurement Performance management is not just a software Performance management is not just a balancescorecard It embraces the methodologies, metrics, processm sofware, tools and systems that manage the performance of an organization as a whole

12 Slide 12 BPM Framework: Value Creation is not a goal, it is a result Strategi Perspective Pelanggan Perspective Sumber Daya Manusia Perspective Internal Proses Bisnis Perspective Keuangan Performance Management System Customer Value Supplier Value Employee Value Shareholder Value

13 Slide 13 Performance Network- (Frank Buytendijk, 2009) Performance Network InvestorsSuppliersCustomersCompetitorsRegulatorsCommunities

14 Slide 14 Three Objectives of BPM- (Frank Buytendijk, 2009) First, it is important to track result or variances (Compliance) Second, to enable strategic decision making and learning (Continuous Improvement) Third, to drive people’s behavior (performance leadership)

15 Slide 15 Rules for Ensuring Poor Performance Behavioral change is the most concrete of all performance improvement. If you push the right buttons, meaningful and sustainable change of behavior is a matter of weeks- Frank Buytendijk, 2009

16 Slide 16 Thank you for your attention! Josua Tarigan Business Accounting Program Petra Christian University, Indonesia P: +62-31-2983230 E: FB:

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