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Presentation on theme: " Natural Resource Education A collaborative focus on trees, wildlife, & people in Polk, Sevier, & Howard Counties in Western Arkansas Sherry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Resource Education A collaborative focus on trees, wildlife, & people in Polk, Sevier, & Howard Counties in Western Arkansas Sherry Eudy*- CEA- AG Howard Co. Carla Vaught- CEA- Staff Chair Polk Co. Rex Herring- CEA-Staff Chair Sevier Co. Dr. Tamara Walkingstick- Forestry Specialist

2 Background Information Private timberland owners & pro- loggers were a neglected audience They wanted & needed an education program. Very receptive to educational programming.

3 Planning Extension Agents, AFC personnel, private landowners, & pro-loggers met & identified topics that needed to be addressed. We contacted experts in these areas to address the needs of our target audience.

4 Funding Arkansas Forestry Resource Center- First 2 yrs. $1500/Co./yr. 3 rd year funding- ANR section, Arkansas Forestry Commission, Chemical Companies Domtar Corp., Weyerhaeuser Co., & AFC We have been able to offer this program at no charge for participants.

5 Implementation The Cossatot Forestry Clinic has completed its 4 th year (2006) with plans to continue. The average attendance has been ~150 people with a large number of repeat participants. The clinics have drawn people from a 3 state area.

6 Topics have included: SMZ Forestry Chemical Chainsaw Safety Wildlife mgmt Timber Bids, Sales, & Taxes Improving Pine Plantations Nutrient Mgmt in Surplus Watershed Laws & Legislation Timber Theft Burning Penalties Endangered species Pine Plantation nutrient mgmt. Forestry Weed & Disease ID & control Wildlife Leases Site Prep- Tours

7 Clinic

8 Tour

9 Impact Knowledge was increased in most all of the topic areas Better managers of wildlife habitats. A better understanding of laws & regulations concerning timber 75% Plan to implement SMZ & BMP clauses in timber contracts.

10 Impacts 85% indicated that they will implement safety practices when using a chain saw 62% indicated that they will be more timely in their pruning & thinning practices 100% of those who turned in surveys felt that it was worth their time to come to the program & felt they had gained useful information from it.

11 Youth Component Youth are more aware of environmental issues & wanted more information. Included training of forestry teams, shooting sports teams, wildlife habitat teams, etc. Conducting day camps & environmental workshops

12 Youth Activities Compass orienteering Forestry Judging Wildlife Habitat mgmt. & judging

13 More Youth Activities Tree Id & using a Biltmore stick How to make recycled paper Hunters Education Gun Safety Protecting their Environments

14 Youth Impact Youth have a better understanding of their environment Can ID Native AR trees using Arkansas Tree Guide 4 Forestry teams trained 2 Wildlife Habitat teams trained Youth are now involved in Wildlife Food plot establishment & maintenance.

15 Conclusion We targeted a neglected audience. Provided them with an educational opportunity. Now receive continued support and repeat participation Youth are also educated in a variety of activities & trained to be better stewards of the land.

16 Quote Far & away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. ~Theodore Roosevelt~

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