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Designing Open Educational Resources for Re-Use Beverly Leeds University of Central Lancashire.

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1 Designing Open Educational Resources for Re-Use Beverly Leeds University of Central Lancashire

2 OERs as Re-Usable Learning Objects anything that has an educational purpose (McGreal 2004) a digital object that is used to achieve pre- determined learning outcomes or educational objectives (Nash 2005) “any digital resource that can be reused to support learning” (Wiley, 2000)

3 OERs as Re-Usable Learning Objects Breaking educational material down into modular ‘chunks’ (objects) Each object can have its own defining properties tagged Combined with other objects, assembled into sequences

4 Designing for Re-Usability Autonomous Customisable Accessible Sharable Durable Interoperable Hernandez et al (2008), Moodie and Kunz (2003). Salas and Ellis (2006)

5 Granularity & Tagging Granularity –Content/Information/knowledge object –Lesson Tagging –Describing the object using metadata

6 OER Learning Packages Re-useable Resources Word PDF Audio Learning Activity Learning Package Tasks Assessment Powerpoint Video etc Cartoon

7 Template for Re-Use Learning Activity OER Introduction And Learning Outcomes Tasks Resource Re-Usable Resources Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction : Gain attention,Inform learners of objectives, Stimulate recall of prior learning’ Present the content. Provide "learning guidance", Elicit performance (practice), Provide feedback, Assess performance, Enhance retention and transfer.

8 Use and Re-Use of OERs Re-use Rework Remix Redistribute Freedom to copy; Freedom to modify; Freedom to redistribute; Freedom to redistribute modified versions. Wiley, 2007)

9 OER Learning Packages Independent of VLE Stand alone Lesson plan format Learning Outcomes Presentation of content, specified tasks for guidance and practice, self assessment, feedback for tasks and guidance on further study or practice Re-useable resources Customisable Can be easily re-sequenced, repackaged or amended Shared through OER website and JORUM

10 Re-Usable Resources Single resource Pedagogically independent Variety of formats –Audio –Video –Text –Animation –Cartoon Enhanced Powerpoint used for mini lectures (Adobe presenter) Different Types –Information giving –Assessment –Case Stories Accessible

11 Re-purposing OERs Inform ApplyAssess Inform ApplyAssess Apply Assess Directive Enquiry Based Diagnostic Exploratory

12 Re-useable OERs Learning Activity 1 Introduction And Learning Outcomes Tasks Mini Lecture Quiz Reading Mini-lecture Web link Learning Activity 2 Introduction And Learning Outcomes Tasks Different Pedagogies

13 Re-Using Resources A Introduction to Negotiation (Enhanced ppt) B Conflict Styles (Enhanced ppt) C Conflict Mgt. Survey (URL link) D Negotiation Self-Test (Enhanced ppt) E What is Conflict (Enhanced ppt) F Conflict Quiz (Enhanced ppt) Different Contexts

14 Re-Using Resources for OERs A Introduction to Negotiation (Enhanced ppt) B Conflict Styles (Enhanced ppt) C Conflict Mgt. Survey (URL link) D Negotiation Self-Test (Enhanced ppt) E What is Conflict Mgt (Enhanced ppt) F Conflict Quiz (Enhanced ppt) Introduction to Negotiation Managing Conflict A Introduction to Negotiation (Enhanced ppt) B Conflict Styles (Enhanced ppt) C Conflict Mgt. Survey (URL link) D Negotiation Self-Test (Enhanced ppt) E What is Conflict Mgt (Enhanced ppt) F Conflict Quiz (Enhanced ppt)

15 OER Repository

16 Stories and Metaphor

17 Stories and Metaphors OER STORIES AND METAPHORS Introduction And Learning Outcomes Tasks Adverts Youtube clips Metaphors Mini-lecture Stories Mini-lecture Wizard of Oz Worksheet Re-Useable Resources

18 Further Information Email: Beverly Leeds Obtaining Materials – –

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