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Commonsense Reasoning and Argumentation 14/15 HC 15: Concluding remarks Henry Prakken 1 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Commonsense Reasoning and Argumentation 14/15 HC 15: Concluding remarks Henry Prakken 1 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonsense Reasoning and Argumentation 14/15 HC 15: Concluding remarks Henry Prakken 1 April 2015

2 Contents Commonsense reasoning and probabilities Argument visualisation software Final project options Questions?

3 Commonsense reasoning and probabilities Principles of defeasible reasoning cannot be purely founded on probability theory (PT): Not all defeasibility is probabilistic Frame axioms, norms, goals,... PT produces mere probabilities But probability theory can inform NML

4 Argumentation visualisation software Support for drafting and visualising argumentation structuring argumentative texts Useful for: Teaching argumentation Araucaria, Rationale Sense making Intelligence Crime investigation E-democracy Online discussion forums Case file management … Not knowledge-based!


6 Rationale

7 Steven van Driel (2010): argumentatiestructuur van een deskundigenrapport

8 Refuting a prediction D causes S S is observed So D is the case D causes S Not-S is observed So D is not the case

9 Topics for final Msc project (1) Theoretical research on inference Defeasible vs. probabilistic reasoning E.g. add probabilistic strengths to ASPIC+ A theory of preferences in argumentation Optimising argument games by utilising the structure of arguments Dynamics in structured argumentation Theoretical research on dialogue Dialogue protocols Agent strategies and personalities Argumentation in negotiation or deliberation Relation with game theory …

10 Topics for final Msc project (2) Implementation Argument games, argument visualisation, dialogue protocols, dialogical agents … Apply a logic or implementation to a certain problem Medical, legal, … Experiment Effects of agent strategies or personalities, … Simulation environment available! Recognising agent strategies or personalities …

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