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Published byMarisol Stocking Modified over 10 years ago
DIAH AYU PUSPANING TYAS, 2201405550 TEACHERS SCAFFOLDING TALKS IN TEACHING SPEAKING (The Case of the Seventh Grade Teachers of SMP N 1 Jepara in the Academic Year of 2008/2009)
Identitas Mahasiswa - NAMA : DIAH AYU PUSPANING TYAS - NIM : 2201405550 - PRODI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris - JURUSAN : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS - FAKULTAS : Bahasa dan Seni - EMAIL : cute_tyaz pada domain - PEMBIMBING 1 : Dra. C. Murni Wahyanti, M.A - PEMBIMBING 2 : Dr. Dwi Anggani LB., M.Pd. - TGL UJIAN : 2009-08-12
Judul TEACHERS SCAFFOLDING TALKS IN TEACHING SPEAKING (The Case of the Seventh Grade Teachers of SMP N 1 Jepara in the Academic Year of 2008/2009)
Abstrak In Indonesia, English Education has the purpose to enable students in using English for communication based on their literacy level. Based on the sociocultural theory, the best learning is through interacting actively with more capable others in social context. In this case, teacher is a capable person who is able to facilitate and support the students’ development in the teaching learning process. The teacher can facilitate and support the students’ development by using their scaffolding talks in Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). In this study, the researcher analyzed the teachers’ scaffolding talks by ways of describing the types of scaffolding talks the teachers use in their classes and the speech functions in the scaffolding talks of two English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Jepara. The teaching process of two teachers was recorded. Their talks were analyzed based on the characteristics of scaffolding. The results showed that teacher A and B performed some types of scaffolding talks. They are offering explanation, motivating and stimulating students’ interest, making link, providing model, inviting students’ participation, stimulating students’ thinking process, verifying and clarifying the students’ responses. The finding also showed that the speech functions performed by the teachers are statement, question, offer, and command. It is suggested that the teachers should keep scaffolding the students to help them to be independent learners. Dealing with the second finding, the teachers should always use the variations of speech functions. They should not use question all the times to get response from the students.
Kata Kunci Literacy, Teacher’s Scaffolding Talks, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
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