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1 Innovation and Trend Global Ecommerce Legislation Chair of UNNeXT Legal Panel 2013-10-31.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Innovation and Trend Global Ecommerce Legislation Chair of UNNeXT Legal Panel 2013-10-31."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Innovation and Trend Global Ecommerce Legislation Chair of UNNeXT Legal Panel 2013-10-31

2 2 Overview Three Phases Initial Developed Advanced 2013-10-31

3 Initial Removal of legal barriers Safeguarding public interest Facilitating development

4 Examples National Laws Reference: UNCITAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce, UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signature E.g. Singapore Electronic Transaction Act India Information Technology Act US E-Government Act International Laws E.g. United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts EU E-Commerce Directive UNESCAP Regional Agreement on Paperless Trade for Asia Pacific (Draft) 2013-10-314

5 Developed Convergence Network Subjects Objects Business models New Issues E.g. Net Neutrality Data sovereignty and Net Security Conflict of jurisdiction and application of law

6 6 Examples National Laws E.g. Brazil Marco Civil da Internet (Bill) US FCC Net Neutrality Rules (Lawsuit) Australia Taxing the Internet (Proposal) International Law E.g. EURegulation on data protection (Draft) UN International Code of Conduct for Information Security (Joint Proposal) ITU International Telecommunication Regulations (WCIT proposed revision) 2013-10-31

7 7 Advanced Normative Innovation Redefinition of law Convergence Globalization Multi-stakeholder Governance Facebook: "We are proposing updates to our Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities to, among other things, restructure our site governance process. Please review the updates under the Documents tab of our Site Governance Page and leave comments by 9:00 AM PST on November 28, 2012. Remember, substantive and relevant comments about specific changes help us evaluate a proposal." 2013-10-31

8 8 THANKS! 2013-10-31

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