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Marie Balikova National Library of the CR M-CAST NLP searching scenarios.

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Balikova National Library of the CR M-CAST NLP searching scenarios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Balikova National Library of the CR M-CAST NLP searching scenarios

2 Introduction Four students visited the National Library of the Czech Republic. Ann and Michel study at the Charles University, John is primary school student and Victor studies at high school. All of them are seeking information on various topics. Ann´s scenario Ann is interested in the first admittance of women students to the Charles University and in the Charles University insignia story

3 Introduction Both John and Michel would like to get more knowledge about Czech Bohemian religious reformer John Hus. John´s scenario John is preparing a report about the circumstances of his burning to death. Michel´s scenario The aim of Michel is to discover the activities of Czech Freemasons in the United States inspired by the ideas of John Hus. Victor´s scenario Victors specialization are classical studies and art and at the moment he is analyzing the fames sculpture of Zeus and he is finding out “What Zeus holds in his hands.”

4 Introduction They started the research in NLP databases using a standard database search method, but the response of the Aleph database was not satisfying for them. They imagined to get direct and exact answer which is not possible in the bibliographic database. They consulted their information needs with the staff of National Library and they were offered to use a new retrieval system tested by the National Library in the framework of M- CAST system. All of them were asked to formulate questions using Question- Answering

5 Kdy byla Karlova univerzita zpřístupněna ženám? – When was the Charles Univerzity made accessible for women?

6 Answer: 1897

7 Kdy byly předány insignie české Karlově univerzitě? - When were the insignia handed over to the representatives of the Czech Charles university?

8 Answer: 20. listopadu 1934

9 Kdy byl upálen Mistr Jan Hus? - When was John Hus burned to death?

10 Answer: 1415

11 Question: set of searching terms Hus * papírová koruna

12 Kramerius database

13 Memoria database

14 Kde se konala schůze svazu zednářů Jan Hus? Where took place the meeting of John Hus League of Slav Freemaosns?

15 Answer: v Gary ve státě Indiana – in Gary, Indiana

16 Jaké zásady se drží čeští zednáři? What principle should Czech Freemasons follow?

17 Answer: Husovy - principle of John Hus

18 Co držel Zeus v pravé ruce? What did Zeus hold in his right hand?

19 Answer: bohyni vítězství - Goddess of victory

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