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* GAZİANTEP. 2 * Gaziantep is the eighth most populous city of Turkey. * Southeastern Anatolia region in terns of development level in the industry and.

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Presentation on theme: "* GAZİANTEP. 2 * Gaziantep is the eighth most populous city of Turkey. * Southeastern Anatolia region in terns of development level in the industry and."— Presentation transcript:


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3 * Gaziantep is the eighth most populous city of Turkey. * Southeastern Anatolia region in terns of development level in the industry and is the first. * Industry and holds an important place in the trade of Turkey. * Gaziantep According to the 2013 population of 1,844,438. Gaziantep 2014 population of 1,887,475 according to the estimated data. * This population data is calculated based on the estimated population growth rate in the former years. * Gaziantep 2014 official census information will be announced at the beginning of 2015. 3

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5 YEAR Male Population Women Population Total Population 2013930.972913.4661.844.438 2012907.172892.3861.799.558 2011883.086870.5101.753.596 2010855.384845.3791.700.763 2009831.911821.7591.653.670 2008810.768801.4551.612.223 2007779.863780.1601.560.023 GAZİANTEP POPULATİON BY YEAR 5

6 2013 2O14 1.844.438 1.884.775 Population Growth 6

7 Gaziantep Population According to Provinces and Districts YEARDistrich Male Population Women Population Total Population 2013Şahinbey411.647405.611817.258 2013Şehitkamil351.933341.968693.901 2013Nizip67.33868.250135.588 2013İslahiye33.64632.52466.170 2013Nurdağı19.01418.60637.620 2013Araban16.15415.94832.102 2013Oğuzeli15.03914.58129.620 2013Yavuzeli10.70710.64021.347 2013Karkamış5.4945.33810.832 7

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