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Past tenses Past simple/past continuous/past perfect practising.

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1 Past tenses Past simple/past continuous/past perfect practising

2 Put the verbs into the right tense 1 We _______ (visit) Tower of London after we _______ (see) Tower Bridge. 2 Jack _______ (arrive) late at work because he _______ (miss) the bus. 3 I _______ (get) home at midnight and _______ (find) that my boss _______ (leave) a message on the phone. 4 My sister _______ (be) really happy yesterday because she _______ (receive) a letter from her boyfriend. 5 When I_______ (get) to work the meeting _______ (already start).

3 Results 1 We visited Tower of London after we had seen Tower Bridge. 2 Jack arrived late at work because he had missed the bus. 3 I got home at midnight and found that my boss had left a message on the phone. 4 My sister was really happy yesterday because she had received a letter from her boyfriend. 5 When I got to work the meeting had already started

4 Past simple or continuous? As I was walking/walked through the park I was seeing/saw my English teacher. I stopped / was stopping smoking last month. It was happenning/happened while I was living/lived in Brighton. When I got/was getting home Jim didn´t want to talk to me because he watched / was watching TV. Yesterday he got/was getting up at six and had / was having a long bath. I saw/was seeing the accident while I drove/was driving home from work.

5 Results As I was walking through the park I saw my English teacher. I stopped smoking last month. It happened while I was living in Brighton. When I got home Jim didn´t want to talk to me because he was watching TV. Yesterday he got at six and had a long bath. I saw the accident while I was driving home from work.

6 Translate Včera v pět odpoledne jsem jela z práce domů. Nemohla jsem odemknout byt, protože jsem ráno zapomněla doma klíče. Když jsem potkala Johna, nemohla jsem ho poznat, protože se hodně změnil. Přišla jsem na večírek, ale všichni už byli pryč. Zrovna jsem dávala kuře do trouby, když zazvonil telefon.

7 Results Yesterday at five I was driving/going home from work. I couldn´t open/unlock the flat because I had left the keys at home in the morning. When I met John I couldn´t recognize him because he had chanded a lot. I came to the party but everybody had already left/been gone. I was putting chicken into the oven when the phone rang.

8 Zdroje Mluvnické okruhy Maturita Solutions Intermediate Archiv autora

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