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ExpressingPossession in French!. POSSESSION IN FRENCH WITH OWNER’s NAME! THE + object + DE (D’) + owner (“the” = le, la, les, l’) le mari de Valérie la.

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Presentation on theme: "ExpressingPossession in French!. POSSESSION IN FRENCH WITH OWNER’s NAME! THE + object + DE (D’) + owner (“the” = le, la, les, l’) le mari de Valérie la."— Presentation transcript:

1 ExpressingPossession in French!

2 POSSESSION IN FRENCH WITH OWNER’s NAME! THE + object + DE (D’) + owner (“the” = le, la, les, l’) le mari de Valérie la soeur d’Alex l’enfant de Christine les cousins de Jacques


4 TRANSLATE: my father my mother my brothers mon père ma mère mes frères

5 TRANSLATE: your uncle your aunt your sisters ton oncle ta tante tes soeurs

6 TRANSLATE: his/her father his/her mother his/her cousins son père sa mère ses cousins

7 TRANSLATE: his wife her son her husband sa femme son fils son mari

8 TRANSLATE: my sister your ( female ) cousin his grandfather ma soeur ta cousine son grand-père

9 TRANSLATE: her aunt my brother your husband sa tante mon frère ton mari

10 TRANSLATE: her nephew his wife my dogs son neveu sa femme mes chiens

11 Next few slides are answers of front of HW 1-12 (on notes sheet)

12 1. my sister 2. your cousin (f.) 3. his grandfather ma soeur ta cousine son grand-père 4. her aunt sa tante

13 5. my brother 6. your husband 7. her nephew mon frère ton mari son neveu 4. his wife sa femme

14 9. my dogs 10. your kids 11. his uncles mes chiens tes enfants ses oncles 12. her cats ses chats

15 Next slide used with DAY 35 post-Warm-Up interview

16 Interview (Ask out of order!) 1. Ta soeur… elle est comment? 3. Le grand-père de Marc… il est comment? il est comment? 5. Ton frère… il est comment? 7. Le neveu de Julie… il est comment? 9. Tes chiens… ils sont comment? 11. Les oncles de Paul… ils sont comment? ils sont comment?


18 TRANSLATE: our father our mother our brothers notre père notre mère nos frères

19 TRANSLATE: your uncle (speaking to an adult) (speaking to an adult) you all’s aunt your books (a teacher to his class) (a teacher to his class) votre oncle votre tante vos livres

20 TRANSLATE: their grandmother their dog their pencils leur grand-mère leur chien leurs crayons

21 Rest of show used for final exam review packet

22 TRANSLATE: my father your aunt our dog mon père ta tante notre chien

23 TRANSLATE: his daughter their children yall’s books sa fille leurs enfants vos livres

24 TRANSLATE: my mother your uncle her son ma mere votre oncle son fils

25 TRANSLATE: our binders their sisters my CDs nos classeurs leurs soeurs mes CDs

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