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October 3-4, 2007Showcase Participants Workshop IT Infrastructure Planning Committee Meeting 16-17 Oct 08 Michael Nusbaum Charles Parisot Co-Chairs, ITI.

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Presentation on theme: "October 3-4, 2007Showcase Participants Workshop IT Infrastructure Planning Committee Meeting 16-17 Oct 08 Michael Nusbaum Charles Parisot Co-Chairs, ITI."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3-4, 2007Showcase Participants Workshop IT Infrastructure Planning Committee Meeting 16-17 Oct 08 Michael Nusbaum Charles Parisot Co-Chairs, ITI Planning Committee

2 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 2 Welcome to Paris! Your co-Chairs:  Michael Nusbaum  Charles Parisot Thanks to our domain sponsors:  HIMSS (Didi Davis, Lisa Spellman)  GIP-DMP Special thanks to Le Groupement d’Intérêt Public (GIP) et Le Dossier Médical Personnel (DMP), Le Ministère de la Santé, and to Manuel Metz

3 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 3 Agenda Review 9_Webinars#ITI_Planning_Committee_f2f_-_16- 17Oct08_AGENDA

4 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 4 Welcome

5 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 5 Housekeeping Rest rooms (W.C.) Internet access Meeting times:  Thursday: 1:00pm – 8:00pm  Friday: 10:00am – 7:00pm Breaks  Thursday Coffee: 3:30-4:00pm  Friday Lunch: 1:00-2:00pm  Friday Coffee: 4:30-5:00pm

6 Showcase Participants Workshop October 16-17, 2008 6 References Wiki site for 2008-09 Proposals  /09_Webinars FTP site for original proposal documents  2010/Planning_Cmte/Brief%20Profile%20Proposals/ FTP site for meeting materials  2010/Planning_Cmte/ITI%20Planning%20f2f%2016-17Oct08/

7 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 7 Procedures Voting priviliges:  Established according to IHE Governance policy  Lisa Spellman: Review criteria and confirm eligible voters  In person: special tent cards  Online: register attendance and email address Voting process:  In person: by yellow “sticky”  Online: by email from registered email address to

8 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 8 Agenda Review

9 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 9 Organization of Work

10 Showcase Participants Workshop October 3-4, 2007 10

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