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Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 1 Review of AD-ELENA TL dipole Daniel Schoerling on behalf of WP 2.2 ELENA IIC meeting 27 th February 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 1 Review of AD-ELENA TL dipole Daniel Schoerling on behalf of WP 2.2 ELENA IIC meeting 27 th February 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 1 Review of AD-ELENA TL dipole Daniel Schoerling on behalf of WP 2.2 ELENA IIC meeting 27 th February 2014

2 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 2 Overview I.Layout II.Functional Specification III.Design Report IV.Engineering Specification V.Drawings VI.Status & Conclusion

3 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 3 I Introduction & Scope Design phase Procurement & Installation Contract Follow-Up Magnetic Measurements at CERN Installation Functional Specification Design Report Engineering Specification Technical Specification Tendering & Contract Award Incoming Inspection & Certification

4 Page: EDMS No.REV.VALIDITY 1346888 0.1 DRAFT DHV 1700mm MKV VVS Le DHV est déplacé de 1700 mm vers l’amont. Le MKV est déplacé vers l’aval, à 5100 mm du DHV, son centre se trouve à environ 410 mm de l’entrée du Septum, Le soufflet se trouve à l’intérieur de l’aimant La vanne VVS est déplacée en amont du correcteur MKV Q10 est un aimant type CTF Q20, Q30 et Q40 sont des aimants de type « ELENA » DHV et MKV sont des correcteurs de type « ELENA » BLINDAGE MKV Q10 Soufflet Q40 Q30 Q20 I. Layout: Slide of J.M. Lacroix

5 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 5 II. Functional Specification For further information check Functional Specification EDMS 1289419

6 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 6 III. Design Report Rolling direction 2D and 3D field homogeneity optimization was performed. Magnets will be powered in series. Magnetic measurement foreseen on a straight path in the centre of the magnet and results will be compared with simulations. Many more detailed of the magnetic design of this magnet are documented in the design report EDMS 1297334.

7 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 7 IV. Engineering Specification EDMS 1323267 Main Parameters: ParameterValueUnitRemark Nominal magnetic flux density 0.67T Obtained from Opera-3d simulations [2] Bending angle39.13deg Obtained from Opera-3d simulations [2] Bending radius500mm Free mechanical aperture (Min/Max) 62/65mm Horizontal good-field- region (GFR) + Sagitta ± (19 + 15) mm[1] Vertical good-field-region (GFR) ±24 mm[1] Integrated field quality  1  10 -3 inside GFR [1], study about the integrated field along curved and straight paths shown in [2].

8 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 8 IV. Engineering Specification EDMS 1323267 Main Parameters II ParameterValueUnitRemark TypeLaminated Electrical steel material M270-50 A HP 0.5 mm-thick strips acc. to EN 10106:2007, bonding varnish coating Packing factor≥ 0.96 Chamfer angle (1/2)45deg(1,2) See Figure 2 Chamfer height (1/2) 15 / 15.8mm May be changed after magnetic measurements of the pre-series magnet See Figure 2 Chamfer length (1/2) 90 / 70mm May be changed after magnetic measurements of the pre-series magnet See Figure 2 Yoke length318mm Including stainless steel endplates Yoke width900mm Yoke height610mm Including stainless steel bars for survey and support Yoke mass700kg Yoke colourUltramarine blueRAL 5002

9 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 9 IV. Engineering Specification EDMS 1323267 Chapter 2.3: Coil, power and cooling requirements are listed in detail. Chapter 2.4: Support and alignment (two Taylor-Hobson targets (indicated by red arrows) and one tilt reference surfaces along the magnet (indicated by yellow arrow).

10 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 10 IV. Engineering Specification EDMS 1323267 3.1INTEGRATION, COMMISSIONING & OPERATION (WP 1.2) 3.2MECHANICAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPORTS (WP 2.1) 3.3POWER CONVERTERS (WP 2.4) 3.4VACUUM SYSTEMS (WP 2.5) 3.5BEAM INSTRUMENTATION (WP 2.7) 3.6INJECTION, EXTRACTION, TRANSFER LINES (WP 2.10) 3.7INTERLOCK (WP 2.14) 3.8MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS (WP 2.16) 3.9SURVEY (WP 3.1) 3.10HANDLING AND TRANSPORTATION (WP 3.2) 3.11COOLING AND VENTILATION (WP 3.4) 3.12ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION (WP 3.7) Engineering Specification ( 0001-10-00.pdf) was checked by all WP listed above and approved: 0001-10-00.pdf

11 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC 11 IV. Safety Safety Aspects Electricity risks: IP2X, Grounding according to EDMS 1298078 (protection of equipment only). Magnetic field risks: Magnetic fields below 1 T. Water risk: Spraying of water to other equipment cannot be excluded. Overheating and fire risks: thermo-switches, flow-switches, all materials conforming with IS41. Radiation hazards: at least 1 MGy radiation resistant.

12 12 V. Drawings Functional drawings of assembled yoke, coil and yoke halves are stored in CDD under AD_MBHCB. Yoke will be machined by milling because long ramp- rates are allowed in TL. Ends will be machined at assembled yoke to achieve the required tolerances. No special difficulty is expected during manufacturing. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC

13 13 V. Status & Conclusion Functional specification, design report and engineering specification were prepared and approved. Drawings and technical specification is under approval. Potential companies were selected with a Market Survey and an additional candidate was audited yesterday. We will soon proceed with the price enquiry. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC

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