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Dr Karine Gallopel-Morvan, PhD University of Rennes 1, France

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1 Dr Karine Gallopel-Morvan, PhD University of Rennes 1, France
January 12th, 2011 Brussels French studies on tobacco plain packaging Dr Karine Gallopel-Morvan, PhD University of Rennes 1, France

2 Toxic products…

3 Tobacco products… …ARE TOXIC: (Europe) 5 millions (world)

4 Plain packaging (& visual warnings), an opportunity to break the impact of packaging
Camel 20 cigarettes Marlboro 20 cigarettes Article 11

5 French research aim To assess the impact of :
Plain packaging vs current packaging Pictorial vs textual warnings …on attractiveness of the pack and smoking intentions

6 1- Qualitative research – 6 focus groups 50 people (smokers & non smokers)
familiar brand and object reminds Marlboro advertising in general attractive color (red)

7 not attractive, dull, sad, cold
evoke death, ash, smoke look like a toxic product don’t want to touch it & to buy it

8 2- Quantitative study (905 people)
Marlboro pack Grey plain pack White plain pack Textual warnings 151 individuals 149 individuals 150 individuals Textual + pictorial warnings We used real pack that was made by a professional. We inserted cigarettes in all tested packs. 153 individuals 151 individuals 151 individuals

9 Effect of pack design & warnings on the attractiveness
of the pack (stylish, fashion accessory, beautiful) Pack effect: F=73.71; p<.001 Warning effect: F=43.92 ; p<.001 text text and pictorial Mean (out of 5)

10 Effect of pack design & warnings on motivation to purchase the pack
Pack effect: F=44.94 ; p<.001 Warning effect: F=16.56 ; p<.001 text text and pictorial Mean (out of 5)

11 Effect of pack design & warnings for convincing non smokers
not to start smoking (non smokers only) Pack effect: F=9.6 p=.002 text text and pictorial Mean (out of 5)

12 Effect of pack design & warnings for convincing
smokers to quit smoking (smokers only) Warning effect: F=34.87 ; p<.001 text text and pictorial Mean (out of 5)

13 Effect of pack design & warnings on the desire
to take a cigarette from the pack (smokers only) Pack effect: F=17.26 ; p<.001 Warning effect: F=28.85 ; p<.001 text text and pictorial Mean (out of 5)

14 In summary: Tobacco packaging is a powerful advertising tool
Plain packaging (& pictorial warnings) can undermine this advertising function

Acknowlegments INCa / MILDT / INSERM (funding 06/2D /LL-LC)

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