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Saying hello Formal (with adults) Informal (with young people) Bonjour!Salut! Comment allez-vous?Comment ça va? Responding Je vais bien, merci. Je vais.

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Presentation on theme: "Saying hello Formal (with adults) Informal (with young people) Bonjour!Salut! Comment allez-vous?Comment ça va? Responding Je vais bien, merci. Je vais."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saying hello Formal (with adults) Informal (with young people) Bonjour!Salut! Comment allez-vous?Comment ça va? Responding Je vais bien, merci. Je vais mal. Ça va bien. Ça va. Pas mal. Comme ci, comme ça. Ça va mal. decreasing wellness

2 À faire 1) Greet three classmates. Ask how they are doing. 2) Greet your teacher. Ask how he is doing.

3 Asking someone's name Formal Comment vous appelez-vous? Informal Comment t'appelles-tu?

4 Stating your name. Je m'appelle ___________________.

5 Being polite To make a polite request... Formal Informal S'il vous plaîtS'il te plaît To say thank you... Merci! To say "You're welcome!"... De rien!

6 Being polite To excuse yourself... Pardon! To address adults politely Je regrette. monsieur (M.) = men mademoiselle (Mlle) = young, unmarried women madame (Mme.) = married and/or older woman

7 Tu parles français? Asking if someone speaks French Answering... Oui, je parle français. Non, je ne parle pas français.

8 Taking leave of someone... Au revoir. = Goodbye. À bientôt = See you soon. À tout à l'heure = See you later À demain = See you tomorrow. Ciaou! = Bye!

9 Saviez-vous (Did you know?) Like Americans, the French use abbreviations and shortcuts when writing E-mail, text messaging or using IM (Instant Message). A quick way to say goodbye in these forums is: A + This is short for "À plus tard". = See you later.

10 Entraînement (Practice) What do you say in these situations? 1) You see your math teacher in the hallway. Greet him and ask how he is doing. 2) A friend has asked how you are doing. Respond that you are well. 3) How would you say hello to your FACS teacher? (She is a married woman.) 4) You have just stepped on your friend's toe. What do you say? 5) A new student has arrived at school. You want to know her name. What do you ask? 5) You're at lunch and you want to practice your French. How do you ask a classmate if s/he speaks French. 6) Name at least two ways of saying "good-bye" to your brother.

11 Conversation 1) Monsieur Ohlhaut will assign you a partner using numbered notecards. 2) With your partner and your notes, have the following conversation: a) Say hello to each other b) Ask and answer how each other is doing. c) Ask and answer what your name is. d) Ask if your partner speaks French. e) Say good-bye. 3) Be prepared to practice your dialogue for the class!

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