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Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Simulation de l’injection de carbone dans un site géologique de séquestration du CO 2 Mohamed HAYEK, Emmanuel MOUCHE and Claude.

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Presentation on theme: "Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Simulation de l’injection de carbone dans un site géologique de séquestration du CO 2 Mohamed HAYEK, Emmanuel MOUCHE and Claude."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Simulation de l’injection de carbone dans un site géologique de séquestration du CO 2 Mohamed HAYEK, Emmanuel MOUCHE and Claude MÜGLER Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique Orme des Merisiers F-91191 Gif-surYvette, FRANCE

2 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Sleipner, Mer du Nord et

3 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 CO 2 sequestration in the Sleipner field CO 2 Stratification: How and why does it take place ? Projet ANR (BRGM, IFP, ICMCB, Schlum.) Simulation results (Pruess et al. 2002) Schematic representation of Utsira aquifer (Sleipner site) Seismic profiles (Bickle et al. 2007)

4 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Outlines  The 1D case (injection in vertical column) Solution analysis between two different homogeneities Injection in vertical periodic layered column  The 2D Vertical case (Sleipner) Numerical simulation (code Cast3M) Theoretical analysis  Gravity + Capillarity  The model

5 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Buckley-Leverett with gravity including capillarity effects

6 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Relative Permeability laws LinearBrooks-Corey Van Genuchten  =1/2,  =1/3 et m=0,457  R. Helmig, Multiphase flow and transport processes in the subsurface, Springer-Verlag 1997.

7 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 k r (S), f(S) & G(S) f(S) G(S) k r (S) S 0 0.5 1 G(S) 0.25 Lin. BC VG Lin. BC VG

8 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 medium 1 medium 2 Capillarity : Leverett law

9 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 CO 2 injection v Injection in a vertical layered column Buckley Leverett with gravity shale Sand

10 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Injection in a periodic layered vertical column high permeability low permeability Sand Shale low permeability high permeability Shale Sand Case 2 Case 1 v

11 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 1 2 v Case 1: (k 1 > k 2 )

12 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 1 2 v Case 2: (k 1 < k 2 )

13 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 v Injection in a vertical periodic layered column

14 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Simulation (Cast3M, CEA) CO 2 accumulation beneath each layer !!! injection well Shale layers Lower shale (impermeable) 2D vertical formation of Sleipner type

15 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 non-constant velocity vertical cut at the injection well

16 Journée Castem, 25/11/09

17 Evolution of a plume in a periodic column with Heterogeneity of relative permeability laws

18 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Gravity alone: one condition at the interface (Flux continuity) Gravity + Capillarity: two conditions at the interface - Flux continuity - Extended pressure condition (Van Duijn et al., 1995) medium 1 medium 2

19 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Our simulations (Cast3M) Gravity aloneGravity + capillarity

20 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Siddiqui & Lake (SPE, 1997)

21 Journée Castem, 25/11/09 Conclusion Upscaling in periodic layered porous media & Influence of relative permeability heterogeneity, submitted AWR. Collab. Avec IFP code COORES, pbme grav + capill.. M. Hayek, E. Mouche and C. Mugler, Modeling vertical stratification of CO2 injected into a deep heterogeneous saline aquifer with a Buckley-Leverett equation in presence of gravity. (Advances in Water resources, 2009)

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