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1 12 th ENMat Meeting Paris-Est, Creteil University, France Dr. A - BOUDENNE Créteil, June 06, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 12 th ENMat Meeting Paris-Est, Creteil University, France Dr. A - BOUDENNE Créteil, June 06, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 12 th ENMat Meeting Paris-Est, Creteil University, France Dr. A - BOUDENNE Créteil, June 06, 2011

2 2 Presentation of PRES Creation of PRES in 2007 Members of PRES ► École des Ponts ParisTech ► École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort ► ESIEE Paris ► IFSTTAR ► Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne ► Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

3 Access 3

4 4 Presentation of PRES Purpose: ► National and international visibility of research activities of University Paris-Est; ► 6 Departments (3000 Rc)   City, transport and territories   Life sciences and health   Mathematics   Science, Engineering and Environment ► ► 750 (Rc, In and PhD)

5 5 Research in UPEC polymer Composite Materials Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est (ICMPE), Prof. Patrick Hémery NMR, TEM, SEM, X Ray, DSC DMA Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Thermique, Environnement et Systèmes, Prof. Yves Candau Modelling: thermal modelling from nano to macro-scales Measurements: DSC, Thermal conductivity, diffusivity and effusivity, NDT, IR, dielectric/electrical conductivity

6 6 CERTES Study of the heat transfer on composite materials Identification the key factors Nature of fillers (conductive, insulator) Size and shape of fillers Interface filler-filler et filler-matrix Other physical properties Mechanical properties Electrical properties Dielectric properties Similarities behavior between the physical properties Conditions of using the predicted models of the literature Proposition of new predicted models Effectives Predicted Models Used only for low filler concentrations and when (λ f / λ m ) ≤ 10

7 7 Analytic ? Experimental study Numerical study Polymer Composite Materials CERTES

8 8 Numerical and modelling study Heat and mass transfer modelling using COMSOL Effect of contact resistance Effect of the shape and dispersion of Particles Effect (Melting/Crystallisation) CERTES

9 9 Thermophysical devices DICO [ -20°C to 180°C] Thermal conductivity, diffusivity, Specific heat DSC [ -100°C to 500°C] Melting/Crystallisation, Specific heat CERTES

10 10 Electrical and dielectric devices -20°C to 180°C Electrical conductivity Dielectric permittivity CERTES

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