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Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées Échauffement Your GOAL for lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées Échauffement Your GOAL for lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées Échauffement Your GOAL for lesson (the topic): (Warm-up): - I can greet others. - I can ask how someone is feeling. - I can tell others how I am feeling. - I can understand and use some commonly used expressions. - I can say goodbye in a polite way. GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS APPROPRIATE GESTURES IN MEETING OTHER PEOPLE (INFORMAL AND FORMAL) Think about how you greet others in our society and try to answer these questions as briefly as possible How do you greet your friends? How do you greet your friends’ parents? How do you greet your coaches, teachers, principals, etc?

2 Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):L’ordre du jour Homework Your GOAL for lesson (our plan of attack today) (What you need to do) - I can greet others. - I can ask how someone is feeling. - I can tell others how I am feeling. - I can understand and use some commonly used expressions. - I can say goodbye in a polite way. Warm- up: ● Students write I CAN statements into packets ● Students write vocabulary in packet Lesson: ● Modeling – Teacher models vocabulary – students repeat ● Teacher gives cultural explanation of appropriate manners and greetings Student work: ●Students perform speaking exercise using the vocabulary. Homework: Students use Madame Joseph’s wiki to practice this vocabulary. Unit 1 – Set A (Steps 1-3 by next class.) to be started at the end of this class.

3 Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Please write down all of the meanings of the vocabulary in your packet. Bonjour- Hello. (all situations) Salut - Hi / Goodbye (informal ONLY) Au revoir- Goodbye. (all situations) Comment allez-vous?- How are you? (formal) Comment vas-tu?- How are you? (informal ONLY) Très bien merci, et vous?- Very well thank you, and you? Et vous? - Any you? (formal or plural) Et toi?- And you? (informal and singular) Ça va?- How’s it going? – (informal ONLY) Ça va très bien.- It’s going well. I am very well. Ça va bien.- It’s going well. I am well. Ça va mal.- It is not going well. I am not well. Comme ci, comme ça. - So-so. Merci.- Thank you. S’il vous plaît.- Please. (formal or plural) S’il te plaît.- Please (informal/singular)

4 Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées La fermeture de leçon Your GOAL for lesson (the topic): (CLOSURE): - I can greet others. - I can ask how someone is feeling. - I can tell others how I am feeling. - I can understand and use some commonly used expressions. - I can say goodbye in a polite way. GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS APPROPRIATE GESTURES IN MEETING OTHER PEOPLE (INFORMAL AND FORMAL) How would you greet your French friends? How do you greet your French friends’ parents? How would you greet your French coaches, teachers, principals, if you were living in France?

5 Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):L’ordre du jour Homework Your GOAL for lesson (our plan of attack today) (What you need to do) - I can greet others. - I can ask how someone is feeling. - I can tell others how I am feeling. - I can understand and use some commonly used expressions. - I can say goodbye in a polite way. Warm- up: ● Students review I CAN statements in packets ● Students review vocabulary in packet ● Students write homework and QUIZ dates in agendas ● Students complete warm-up activity (NEXT SLIDE) ● Students copy next vocabulary section Lesson: ●Review and usage/GAME Student work: ●Students perform speaking exercise using the vocabulary. Homework: Students use Madame Joseph’s wiki to practice this vocabulary. Unit 1 – Set A (Steps 3-6 by next class.) to be started at the end of this class. QUIZ TBA

6 Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées Échauffement Your GOAL for lesson (the topic): (Warm-up): - I can greet others. - I can ask how someone is feeling. - I can tell others how I am feeling. - I can understand and use some commonly used expressions. - I can say goodbye in a polite way. GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS APPROPRIATE GESTURES IN MEETING OTHER PEOPLE (INFORMAL AND FORMAL) On your warm-up sheet identify the following phrases: 1. Salut 2. Au revoir 3. Comment allez-vous? 4. Comment vas-tu? 5. Ça va? 6. Et vous? Et toi? 7. Ça va très bien. 8. Ça va bien. 9. Ça va mal. 10. Comme ci, comme ça. 11. Merci. 12. S’il vous pla î t. 13. S’il te pla î t.

7 Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Please write down all of the meanings of the vocabulary in your packet. Allô- - Hello (often used when answering the phone) Quoi de neuf? - What’s new? (informal ONLY) À tout à l’heure. - See you later/soon. (informal ONLY) À la prochaine.- See you next time. (informal ONLY) À beintôt. - See you soon. (informal ONLY) À demain.- See you tomorrow. (informal ONLY) À + day of the week.- See you + day of the week. (informal ONLY) Days of the week lundi - Mondaymardi – Tuesdaymercredi – Wednesday jeudi – Thursdayvendredi – Fridaysamedi – Saturday dimanche - Sunday

8 Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez 10 minutes: (You have 10 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées La fermeture de leçon Your GOAL for lesson (the topic): (Closure): - I can greet others. - I can ask how someone is feeling. - I can tell others how I am feeling. - I can understand and use some commonly used expressions. -I can say goodbye in a polite way. -PROVE IT!!! GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS APPROPRIATE GESTURES IN MEETING OTHER PEOPLE (INFORMAL AND FORMAL) On your warm-up sheet identify the following phrases: 1. Hi or BYE 2. Goodbye (all situations) 3. How are you? (formal) 4. How are you? (informal) 5. How’s it going? 6.And you? (formal) 7.Any you? (informal) 8. I am very well. / It is going very well. 9. I am well. / It is going well. 10. I am not well. / It is not going well. 11. So - So. 12. Thank you. 13. Please. (formal) 14. Please. (informal

9 Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (Write in/answer the following in your “dossier”) Le but:Les idées:Échauffement: - I can demonstrate both in speaking in writing how to: -greet others -ask how someone is feeling. -tell others how I am feeling. -some commonly used expressions. -say goodbye in a polite way. GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS APPROPRIATE GESTURES IN MEETING OTHER PEOPLE (INFORMAL AND FORMAL) What is the difference between greeting someone formally and informally? Who should you greet formally? Informally? Why is this practiced? Follow the next directions in your dossier for this day/set

10 Madame Joseph Day 3 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (Write in/answer the following in your “dossier”) Le but:Les idées:Échauffement: -I KNOW and can do the previous “BUTS” in this dossier… -PROVE IT!!! GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS APPROPRIATE GESTURES IN MEETING OTHER PEOPLE (INFORMAL AND FORMAL) Follow the instructions in your dossier for this day/set. Complete the assignment as indicated and then turn it in.

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