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Friday le 26 octobre

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1 Friday le 26 octobre

2 French 2 FASHION SHOW DAY! All late work in!!!
Today is LAST day for all notes due! Per. 1 & 4: all makeup quizzes must be done! Per 5-borrowed words for 80%! Maggie’s last day! TURN IN SUB WORK for 105! Due Monday for 100% Monday: Your 5 F’s powerpoint for 105% (Your Face, Friend, Family, Famous guy & gal-5 facts each, excluding the name. See next slide! PROJECTS due Tuesday (5 F’s) for 100, Monday for 105%!!!

3 F 2: Your project! The "5 F's" Create a powerpoint, prezi, photostory, or virtual book describing your face, a friend, a family member, a famous man & a famous woman. State name & show picture, then write 5 sentences. Can be: age, birth place, job, physical or inner characteristic. Due Tuesday for 100! Wed. 90, Thur. 80 Fri. 70! See sample: Five French Faces a.pptx BON WEEKEND!

4 French 3 Sub work in-verb/grammar packets for 100% Cavin: irreg. page.
Discuss project: Ma journée! Finish “LE LOOK” translations. Anyone already start project? Need me to look over sentences? Remember to use my slides which are on my old website, which is hyperlinked to LMS!!! 25 verbs (20 reflexive) in present, past & near future! Have: This morning (today), yesterday, tomorrow, the verb, a direct object or place or prepositional phrase. Due Monday for 105%. Tues-100, Wed. 90, Thurs. 80, Fri. 70% PREZI: Photostory- Movie maker- Bookmakers: & animoto- Example: Ce matin, je me lave la figure avec le savon! Hier, je me suis lavee la figure avec le savon. Demain, je vais me laver la figure avec le savon. Add a photo or clip art! Here’s a new one:

5 French 1 Turn in late notes!
Turn in Sub work (textbook pages on board) Bor.Wrds “B”50% Postcards due for 100% Amitiés, ___ Bisous, ___ Finish Ratatouille. (only those done can watch) Next Monday: Postcards for 70%. Sub work-50% Speaking pkt oral review. Next: Oral grade! Review of Food, drinks,time, date, weather, & seasons!

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