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Films As Cue Sheets Music Films, Cinema Music and Diegetic Music: Vienna 1907 – 1918 PD Mag. Dr. Claus Tieber Claus Tieber.

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Presentation on theme: "Films As Cue Sheets Music Films, Cinema Music and Diegetic Music: Vienna 1907 – 1918 PD Mag. Dr. Claus Tieber Claus Tieber."— Presentation transcript:

1 Films As Cue Sheets Music Films, Cinema Music and Diegetic Music: Vienna 1907 – 1918 PD Mag. Dr. Claus Tieber Claus Tieber

2 Music films Tonbilder – Synchronous sound to a gramophone Film operas and operettas – Filmic adaptations of operas and operettas (as well as the rare case of operas written for the cinema) Biopics of musicans – Wagner, Beethoven, Strauß, Ziehrer, Schubert, Mozart Based on a composition – MIT HERZ UND HAND FURS VATERLAND (1915), TRAUM EINES ÖSTERREICHISCHEN RESERVISTEN Claus Tieber

3 Music Films Diegetic music – KAMMERMUSIK, DER MILLIONENONKEL Musicians as Actors – Lehar, Caruso, Geraldine Farrar Conductor films – Filmed conducters, conducting a live orchestra Claus Tieber

4 Cinema Music Mechanical music: waltzes, gramophone, mechanical organs Improvised and/or compiled music played by a single musician on piano or harmonium/cinema organ Written scores played by an orchestra Claus Tieber

5 Sources Trade papers and the critical discourse of the time Handbooks and musical libraries consisting of pre-existent as well as specially composed music Cue sheets Sheet music of written scores Claus Tieber

6 Conductor on Screen Claus Tieber

7 Johann Strauss: An der schönen blauen Donau (1913) Claus Tieber

8 Die Fledermaus Claus Tieber

9 Graf Orlowsky Claus Tieber

10 Soirée Claus Tieber



13 Sinngedichte Claus Tieber


15 Sinngedichte: 6 years later Claus Tieber

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