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Richard Soluk – University of Alberta. The LHCb VELO Region R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Soluk – University of Alberta. The LHCb VELO Region R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Soluk – University of Alberta

2 The LHCb VELO Region R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 2

3 Deployed Detectors – LT-NTDs  Each Low Threshold Nuclear Track Detector consists of multiple layers of CR39 and polycarbonate in a stack with guide dowels to ensure alignment.  Stacks are sealed in aluminized mylar bags until ready for etching R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 3

4 LT-NTD Mounting  Stacks (typically 6) are placed in aluminum trays and mounted on rails attached to concrete walls around the VELO area  Bar codes used to identify each stack  First 3 prototype trays installed November 2009 R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 4

5 Current LT-NTD Array R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 5

6 Deployed Detectors - MMT  The Magnetic Monopole Trapper consists of a mass of aluminum  A magnetically charged particle that ranges out in the aluminum will be detectable by a magnetometer  Prototype consisted of 1” diameter aluminum rods located in front of the VELO below the beampipe R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 6

7 MMT Prototype R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 7

8 Deployed Detectors - Timepix  Only active element  256x256 pixel solid state detector  14x14mm active area R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 8

9 Timepix R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 9  One in forward direction near beamline other transverse to the IP

10 New MMT Location  Located under the VELO within the VELO support stand framework R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 10

11 New MMT Design  Square aluminum bars  Bars held in flat trays similar to those used for the LT-NTD stacks  2.54 x 2.54 x 19cm bars  12 rows of 3 bars per row  Approximately 12kg/tray  6 trays per layer  8 vertical layers  Mass of bars 576kg R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 11

12 MMT Supports  MMT not supported off the VELO frame but directly off the floor using aluminum blocks  Floor grid placed on top of blocks to form base for MMT R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 12

13 LT-NTD Upgrade  All plastic was removed at the end of run 1  Will be replaced with new CR39/Makrofol stacks  New CR39 vendor identified since old production line no longer exists R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 13

14 New LT-NTD Locations  Top of VELO cover  Closest possible location to IP  Avoids having to install on ceiling using scaffold  30 stacks  Underneath VELO on top of the new MMT  Further from IP due to pumps  12 stacks R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 14

15 New Detector: HCC-NTD  Thin low mass detectors for highly ionizing particles  3 layers of 150μm Makrofol inside a 25μm aluminum foil bag  0.19% of a radiation length thickness  Can be taped to surfaces using kapton tape R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 15

16 HCC-NTD on the Trigger Tracker  Propose placing a HCC- NTD on the downstream surface of the TT  Adds ≈0.5% to the LHCb material budget to that point R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 16  Inside the LHCb acceptance but after the VELO, RICH1 and TT measurements

17 Additional Timepix  Cables will be installed now for 5 additional timepix  Routing is same as current timepix cables and does not conflict with LHCb cable runs R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 17

18 Installation Schedule R. Soluk --- University of Alberta --- MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting --- CERN June 19-21 18

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