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Diploma Exams and Student Learner Assessments (SLAs) Prepared by SAPDC Learning Facilitator Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Diploma Exams and Student Learner Assessments (SLAs) Prepared by SAPDC Learning Facilitator Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diploma Exams and Student Learner Assessments (SLAs) Prepared by SAPDC Learning Facilitator Team

2 DIGITALLY-BASED ASSESSMENT Inspiring Action on Education (June 2010) contemplates a future where “provincial assessment could also be made available on-demand.” Realizing this vision is only possible through digitally-based exam administrations Digitally-based provincial assessments will enable o Secure delivery of assistive technologies such as text-to-speech o The use of multi-media in provincial assessments o Innovative assessment items o Assessments to be securely delivered across a broad spectrum of devices Many existing and legacy systems will need to be replaced or enhanced Ideally, cloud-based infrastructure will be utilized that can easily respond to rapid spikes in demand.

3 INCREASED DIPLOMA ADMINISTRATIONS This year, both the November and April diploma examination sessions are considered “open sessions”. In the past, these two sessions were restricted to schools and students enrolled in courses that concluded in November and April. Students may now re-write diploma examinations during these two sessions without having a current November or April course mark. Pre-registration for these two sessions is mandatory. In November, Chemistry 30, ELA 30-2, Math 30-1 and Physics 30 are offered. In April, Biology 30, ELA 30-1, Social Studies 30-1 and Social Studies 30-2 are offered.

4 FUTURE INCREASED OFFERINGS In November 2015 and April 2016, all “high-demand” diploma examination subjects will be offered during these two sessions: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 ELA 30-1 ELA 30-2 Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 Social Studies 30-1 Social Studies 30-2

5 STUDENT LEARNING ASSESSMENTS (SLA’S) On May 9, 2013 Minister Jeff Johnson announced that Alberta would be giving teachers more tools to help students succeed by introducing assessments that will replace the existing Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs). The Student Learning Assessments (SLAs) will be digital and will be administered at the start of Grades 3, 6, and 9. A window of approximately 10 days, near the start of the school year, will provide schools with the opportunity to decide when it will be best for students to complete the assessments. The outcomes that will be assessed come from the previous year’s Programs of Studies (i.e. grades 2, 5, and 8).

6 SLA DETAILS – CONTINUED Results of the SLAs will be available within 24 hours for teachers, within one month for schools and school authorities, and annually for the province. SLA results will reflect the literacy and numeracy categories (Awareness, Knowledge and Understanding, and Strategies) Alberta Education plans to provide an assessment framework that matches outcomes from the provincial Programs of Study with the Literacy and Numeracy Benchmarks developed as part of Curriculum Redesign.

7 SLA DETAILS – CONTINUED Grade 9 SLAs may also delve into the cross-curricular competencies (21 st Century skills) Know how to learn Think critically Identify and solve complex problems Manage information Innovate Create opportunities Apply multiple literacies Demonstrate communication skills Demonstrate global and cultural understanding Identify and apply career and life skills

8 SLAs – CHOICE YEAR For June 2014 and September 2014, school authorities have a choice, school-by-school, whether to administer the Grade 3 PATs in June, the Grade 3 SLAs in September, or both. In fall 2013, the Assessment Sector of Alberta Education will ask school authorities to complete a short spreadsheet that shows, school-by-school, their choice: Grade 3 PATs in June 2014, Grade 3 SLAs in September 2014, or both. This decision must be made by the school authority, but it can be implemented on a school- by-school basis.

9 SLAs DETAILS – TEACHER INVOLVEMENT Each September, AB ED requests nominations of teachers to participate in provincial test development working groups. The involvement of Alberta teachers in blueprinting, item development, field testing, test validation, French translation validation, standards setting, and results interpreting has been a cornerstone of the success of Alberta’s provincial assessment programs for more than 30 years. This year, school authorities will be asked to nominate teachers to participate in the development of the Grades 3 and 6 SLAs, which will require teachers with extensive knowledge of the Grades 2 and 5 Programs of Study. Alberta Education looks forward to working with teachers to ensure that provincial assessments, and the new SLAs, continue to be high quality assessments that are relevant to students, and that provide valid and reliable information to students, parents, teachers and administrators, school authority leaders, and the public.

10 TIMELINES for SLAs June 2014 June 2015 June 2016 September 2017 Choice Last administration Last administration Full implementation administration of (full cohort) of the (full cohort) of the of the Grade 9 SLAs Grade 3 PATs Grade 6 PATs Grade 9 PATs ___________________________________________________________________________ June 2013 September 2014 September 2015 September 2016 Last full-cohort Choice Full implementation Full implementation administration of administration of of the Grade 3 SLAs of the Grade 6 SLAs the Grade 3 PATs Grade 3 SLAs and piloting of the and piloting of the Grade 6 SLAs Grade 9 SLAs

11 Information Bulletin From Alberta Education Link To Document

12 What does this mean? For School Based Leaders? For Teachers? For Schools? For Students?

13 Please share thoughts with your colleagues.

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