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Thank you Sponsors Platinum Gold Silver Print - Poster Online – Website, Social Media Communication #NPW2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you Sponsors Platinum Gold Silver Print - Poster Online – Website, Social Media Communication #NPW2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 Thank you Sponsors Platinum Gold Silver

3 Print - Poster Online – Website, Social Media Communication #NPW2014

4 NPW Advertising

5 NPW Media  Media team of 13 – Halifax to Vancouver  Media stories through radio, TV and print  Reach will be over 30 million 5

6 CPA Values  C ommunity  P rofessionalism  A uthoritative Knowledge

7 Payroll Metrics  Canada’s 1.5 million employers annually pay:  $860 billion in wages & taxable benefits  $268 billion in statutory remittances  $94 billion in health & retirement benefits  While complying with over 190 federal & provincial regulatory requirements

8 CPA Profile Organizations seek and value the expertise of Canadian Payroll Association members to be compliant and contribute to their goals.  19,000 Members  90 of Canada’s Top 100 companies  Influence over 500,000 payrolls

9 CPA Key Strategies  Increase recognition of PCP and CPM Certifications  Gain influence in the employer, academic and government communities, especially in Quebec  Enhance the effectiveness of federal and provincial government relations  Retain and attract members by offering compliance services you value

10 Compliance Education  38,000+ Payroll InfoLine compliance inquiries  11 Payroll Best Practices Guidelines  12,300+ certification holders  15,000+ registrants at over 500 seminars, webinars and conferences

11 Continuous Improvement in Certification  9,735 PCPs  3,025 CPMs  13,000+ certification course enrolments IMPORTANT POLICY CHANGE One-year Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP) Work Experience requirement for all PCP candidates, effective January 1, 2015 Enhances the value of PCP certification

12 Payroll Certification Pays The Hays 2014 Payroll Salary Survey Certified AverageNon-certified Average Payroll Analyst 1 - 3 years $40,000 - 49,999 $30,000 - 39,999 3 - 5 years $40,000 - 49,999 5+ years $50,000 - 59,999 $40,000 - 49,999 Payroll Coordinator/Administrator 1 - 3 years $40,000 - 49,999 $30,000 - 39,999 3 - 5 years $50,000 - 59,999 $40,000 - 49,999 5+ years $50,000 - 59,999 Payroll Specialist 1 - 3 years $40,000 - 49,999 $30,000 - 39,999 3 - 5 years $50,000 - 59,999 $30,000 - 39,999 5+ years $60,000 - 69,999 Payroll Manager/Supervisor 1 - 5 years $60,000 - 69,999 $40,000 - 49,999 5 - 10 years $70,000 - 79,999 $50,000 - 59,999 10+ years $80,000 - 89,999 $60,000 - 69,999

13 Federal Advocacy  Increased of payroll remittances for thresholds I & II accelerated remitters to $25,000 and $100,000  Conducted first Employer Payroll Remittance Survey  Clarified the administration of the CPT30 form to reduce impact on employer PIER reports with CRA  Asked the CRA/Revenu Quebec to make electronic distribution of T4s/RL-1s easier by changing legislation on express consent

14 Quebec/Ontario/Provincial Advocacy  Provided input on the harmonization of QPP and CPP  Enhanced relationships with Revenu Québec, CSST and la Commission des normes du travail  Contributed to efficient implementation of retroactive Ontario personal tax increase - Influenced no penalties approach for employers  Expanded contacts in Alberta/Ontario Ministries of Labour, Saskatchewan WCB

15 NPW Employee & Professional Surveys  Thank you for participating!  Payroll Professional Survey: 3,300  Employee Survey: 3,200

16 Pay Statements – Access (43%)* (41%)* (57%)* *2013 Results

17 Reaction to Online Statements (36%)* (25%)* (40%)* (13%)* (27%)* *2013 Results

18 Employees Like Online Statements

19 Reaction to T4s Online (17%)* (18%)* (22%)* (20%)* (16%)* (30%) (35%)* (8%)* (24%) (11%) *2013 Results

20 Have and Prefer T4s Online

21 How confident are you that your pay is accurate each payday? Payroll Professionals Employees Confident98%95%

22 2014 Employee Survey – National, Provincial, Regional CanadaBC 12% Alberta 14% Sask. 3% Manitoba 3% Ontario 28% Quebec 20% Atlantic 6% Living pay cheque to pay cheque 51%47%42%56%69%56%46%62% Those trying to save more than a year ago, and able to do so 65%63%68%72%56%61%70%58% Saving only 5% or less of their pay 50%49%41%57%53%52%49%67% Saved less than a quarter of their retirement goals 75%71%73%74%84%75%77%81% Spending at, or in excess of, their net pay 44% 38%54%58%44%40%58% Unlikely to obtain $2,000 in an emergency 26%23%22%28%33%28%22%41% Feeling overwhelmed by their debt 39%41%37%34%60%43%25%51%

23 How likely are employees to come up with $2,000 if an emergency arose this month?


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