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Nobody’s Perfect presented by Adrienne Danyliw.

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Presentation on theme: "Nobody’s Perfect presented by Adrienne Danyliw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nobody’s Perfect presented by Adrienne Danyliw


3 Our Mission is to reduce the occurrence of disabling conditions in children. The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute focuses on Primary Prevention:  Education  Information Services  Community Development  Research and Evaluation  Communications

4 Partners in Prevention  Community-at-Large  Government of Saskatchewan  Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation  Saskatchewan Abilities Council  University of Saskatchewan History The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute has been operating for over 27 years as a not-for-profit, provincial organization.

5 Program Areas  Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs  Childhood Injury Prevention  Prenatal and Infant Health  Parenting Education  Program Partners: Community Action Program for Children (CAPC); The Advisory Committee on Family Planning (ACFP).


7 Nobody’s Perfect in Saskatchewan 2007-2008 Parent Groups –30 Parent groups –277 Parents registered –74% of parents complete the program





12 Nobody’s Perfect in Saskatchewan 2007-2008 Facilitators –51 people took Facilitator Training –111 Active Facilitators Trainers –5 trainings occurred –4 active Trainers in Saskatchewan

13 Nobody’s Perfect in Canada National Evaluation –SK, BC, MB, NLFD are contributing data –Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta –Data collection January 2007 and ongoing –Pre-group survey, post-group survey, and 6- month follow up survey –Facilitator surveys –Plans for follow up will occur in August

14 Parent’s Knowledge of Community Resources and How to Access Them t(51)=15.40, p <.001 Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

15 Parent’s Reports of their Confidence in Their Parenting t(44)=4.34, p <.001 Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

16 Parent’s Report of the Social Support Available to Them t(57)=4.58, p <.001 Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

17 Parent’s Use of Nurturing Parenting Behaviors with their Children t(53)=2.88, p <.01 Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

18 Parent’s Use of Negative Parenting Practices (Anger and Punitive Discipline) t(49)=2.68, p <.01 Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

19 Parent’s Report of Frequency of Parenting Stressors t(41)=1.01, ns. Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

20 Extent to Which the Typical Parenting Stressors are a Problem for Parents t(34)=1.87, p =.07 Preliminary Findings by Dr. Berna Skrypnek, University of Alberta

21 Nobody’s Perfect in Canada Needs Assessment: Why? –Review of the accuracy & adequacy of Nobody’s Perfect program and resources –Identify gaps and areas of the books that need updating Who? –Dr. Joan Durrant, University of Manitoba

22 Nobody’s Perfect in Canada Needs Assessment: How? –Surveys sent via email to Active Facilitators across Canada –136 respondents from 118 agencies –>30% respondents were from SK

23 Nobody’s Perfect in Canada Needs Assessment: Results –Text of booklets is appropriate –Revisions are needed: Nutrition, medical, dental care, detecting illness & what to do Children’s feelings, birth to 6 months Time Out One-parent families, family violence, alcohol and pills Car safety, toy safety, childproofing

24 Nobody’s Perfect in Canada Needs Assessment: Next steps –Public Health Agency of Canada is exploring funding options to revise the books –Timeline of release is 2-3 years, minimum

25 Nobody’s Perfect International Dominican Republic –Training occurred July 2006, 7 facilitators –Program continued to run until recently, when funding was discontinued because of government changes –Research publication in press

26 Nobody’s Perfect Active in Saskatchewan because of YOU! Remember: –Community Grants available Please send me –Facilitator feedback –Parent feedback

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