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OnRouteBC Project Update November 17, 2014 By: Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for The BC Trucking Association 1.

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Presentation on theme: "OnRouteBC Project Update November 17, 2014 By: Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for The BC Trucking Association 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 onRouteBC Project Update November 17, 2014 By: Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for The BC Trucking Association 1

2 1. Introductions 2. Ministry Strategic Goals 3. Challenges 4. Outcomes 5. Overview 6. Current Status 7. Next Steps 2 Agenda

3 Jeff Monty – Project Sponsor Jean Bishop – Project Manager Jan Lansing – Commercial Transport Advisor Jesse Piccin – Software Engineer and Technical Lead 3 Introductions

4 1.Improved infrastructure drives economic growth and trade 2.British Columbia’s transportation sector is globally competitive 3.Greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector are reduced 4.British Columbia’s highway system is safe and reliable 5.Excellent Customer Service 4 Ministry Strategic Goals

5 Out of 130,000 permits annually, 55,000 require routing System cannot generate or store detailed routing information so it is difficult to track where our permitted vehicles travel Infrastructure planning doesn’t yet benefit from knowledge of high commercial traffic corridors Ministry sees benefits to furthering our knowledge of clearance restrictions on secondary highways and for width restrictions Self-permitting (TPS Web) hasn’t been adopted by industry 5 Challenges

6 Commercial carriers will be able to receive more auto- approved permits through a new online self-service This will be more efficient - available 24/7 and on mobile Ministry will know, through routing, where each trip was taken and when the travel was approved Ministry will become an even more trusted partner with the commercial transportation industry and the public 6 Outcomes

7 7 Overview

8 8 Restriction Data Management Routing Utility Service Data Sources Road Network DriveBC Events Ministry Staff (PPC) Carriers Permits Road Issues Routes Seasonal Load Restrictions Extraordinary Loads

9 Application ‘back-end’ where restrictions are stored that would allow a vehicle to travel safely on a given route Where changes are implemented to reflect & easily update: ‘Geographic specific’ policies Provincial and ‘permittable’ roads Structure clearance information Enables the Routing Utility Service to automatically select a safe route for the specified vehicle configuration, and often auto-approve 9 Overview Restriction Data Management:

10 Will look for an auto-approvable route for the specified vehicle configuration between the selected origin and destination Generates the warnings that will be shown along areas on the desired route where there are issues (restrictions) Users will be able to adjust their load dimensions or route accordingly and move forward with the permit auto- approval process 10 Overview Routing Utility Service:

11 The application ‘front-end’ for Ministry staff and Carriers Map screen where: Users enter trip details - origin, destination and stops along the way Route is displayed & manipulated (adjustable parameters) Hypothetical permits can be generated Users will be able to copy/paste previous application information Permits are auto-approved without the PPC 11 Overview onRouteBC Interface:

12 Key Points to Consider: Vendor Procurement will start with a Request for Proposal (RFP) Product Development time estimates (4 months) are not aligned with current industry standards from the Agency Interviews Testing (1 month) is also not aligned with industry standards from the Agency Interviews GO LIVE date was July 2015 12 Timelines Original Approach

13 13 Agency Interviews Texas Dep't of Transportation Oklahoma Dep't of Public Safety Oklahoma Dep't of Transportation Alberta Ministry of Transportation BC Ministry of Transportation (Current) Total Development Time 3 Years1.25 Years2 Years (9 months Dev time) 14 Years starting in 2000 8 Years starting in 2005 Total Testing Time 1 Year6 Months 3 MonthsUnknown % On-Line 60% (increasing annually) 70% 100%7% # of Permits 3,000/Day (1,095,000/yr) 548/Day (200,000/yr) 1,000/Day (365,000/yr) No Response356/Day (130,000/yr) Needs Met after Development? Not completely MostlyYes but phased over 14 years Not completely Infrastructure requirements 15 Web Servers12 Servers3 ServersNo Response6 Servers Requirements Level before RFP? High level 14 years of change mgmt No RFP - Purchase of Alberta system Texas Dep't of Transportation Oklahoma Dep't of Public Safety Oklahoma Dep't of Transportation Alberta Ministry of Transportation BC Ministry of Transportation (Current) Total Development Time 3 Years1.25 Years2 Years (9 months Dev time) 14 Years starting in 2000 8 Years starting in 2005 Total Testing Time 1 Year6 Months 3 MonthsUnknown % On-Line 60% (increasing annually) 70% 100%7% # of Permits 3,000/Day (1,095,000/yr) 548/Day (200,000/yr) 1,000/Day (365,000/yr) No Response356/Day (130,000/yr) Needs Met after Development? Not completely MostlyYes but phased over 14 years Not completely Infrastructure requirements 15 Web Servers12 Servers3 ServersNo Response6 Servers Requirements Level before RFP? High level 14 years of change mgmt No RFP - Purchase of Alberta system

14 Key Points to Consider: Time to ensure requirements are complete and are in-line with current industry standards from the Agency Interviews Vendor Procurement will include both a Request for Information (RFI) and a Request for Proposal (RFP) Product Development time estimates (13 months) and Testing/Training (6 months) are in line with current industry standards from the Agency Interviews GO LIVE date could be December 2016 14 Timelines Recommended Approach

15 1. RFI/RFP 2. User Group Meeting 3. Vendor Selection 4. Development 5. Testing & Training 6. GO LIVE! 15 Next Steps:

16 16 Questions?

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