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VOCABULARIO CAPITULO 4 NIVEL 3 Noelle Nuñez. Vocabulario  Animal tallado Carved animal  Bohio Hut/shack  Callejuela de adoquines paved stone alley.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARIO CAPITULO 4 NIVEL 3 Noelle Nuñez. Vocabulario  Animal tallado Carved animal  Bohio Hut/shack  Callejuela de adoquines paved stone alley."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulario  Animal tallado Carved animal  Bohio Hut/shack  Callejuela de adoquines paved stone alley  Destruccion destruction  Estella Statue  Hamaca Hammock  Mola Type of blouse  Pelota Ball

3 Vocabulario  Rascacielos Skyscraper  Techo Roof  Terremoto Earthquake  Fuerte strong  Picante spicy  Botar To throw  Causar To cause  Colgar To hang

4 Vocabulario  Soler To be accustomed  Transladar To move  Billete Bill(currency)  Boton button  Cajero automatico Automatic teller  Cargo Charge  Casa de cambio Foreign exchange office  Cheque Check

5 Vocabulario  Chequera Checkbook  Codigo Code, password  Cuenta corriente Checking account  Dinero money  Dolar Doller  Factura Bill, invoice  Hipoteca Mortgage  Moneda coin

6 Vocabulario  Monto Sum  Pantalla Screen  Pin Pin  Prestamo loan  Saldo Balance  Suelto Change  Tarjeta Card  Tipo de cambio Exchange rate

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