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Bonjour et Bienvenue! Je m’appelle Mme. Biega. I’m happy to meet you!

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Presentation on theme: "Bonjour et Bienvenue! Je m’appelle Mme. Biega. I’m happy to meet you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bonjour et Bienvenue! Je m’appelle Mme. Biega. I’m happy to meet you!
Pick up one paper or booklet from each pile on the desk, s’il vous plait. Waiting for class to start? Make yourself a name card from the cardstock and fold it so that it stands up on the desk. Begin your « françaislivre » get-to-know-you page.

2 Bienvenue à la classe de français!
Avec Mme. Biega C’est prononcé « BEE-AY-GAH »

3 La Prière We will start each class with a prayer.
Sign of the cross: « Au nom du Père, et du Fils, et du Saint Esprit. Amen. » « Notre Père » « Je Vous Salue, Marie » Les autres prières  plus tard


5 Meet Mme. Biega – Qui Suis-Je? C’est prononcé « BEE-AY-GAH »
Je suis devenue professeur en 2009. Je peux enseigner le français et les mathématiques. Je suis mariée. Mon mari s’appelle Nathan. J’aime beaucoup écouter la musique (le country, c’est mon style préféré, mais j’aime aussi Mumford and Sons and beaucoup d’autres groupes). J’adore les émissions téléréalité: Big Brother, Survivor, et Amazing Race. Mes équipes favoris sont les Ticats, les Habs, et les Green Bay Packers. Mes bêtes noires (pet peeves): not being prepared, Google Translate, disrespect to others, not taking risks.

6 My Responsibilities as a Teacher
To treat you with respect and care for you as an individual. To provide you with an orderly classroom environment. To provide you with the necessary discipline. To teach you the required content. To provide the appropriate motivation.

7 Routines Start-of-class procedures Bathroom Getting up in class
Take out la prière Take out homework Is there a « carillonneur »? Getting up in class Bathroom Sharpening pencils Dismissal procedures Bathroom You are in grade 9. Please use the bathroom at the designated times: Before class. Between classes. At lunch. When I’m not teaching a lesson. One student at a time Sign out and back in, please! You get two bathroom passes per week – use them wisely!

8 Absent – Now What? Homework Partners – trade phone numbers and s with TWO people in the class Seat partner and Across- the-Aisle partner Contact your homework partner(s) the day(s) you are away You are responsible for making up work/getting notes when you get back Absent binder

9 How to Succeed in this Class
Come to class prepared. What to bring to class Pencil/pen, binder, paper, text (if applicable), Water ONLY What NOT to bring: Food of any kind Drinks other than water Not prepared? You may borrow something from me by trading either: Wallet Shoe Cell No exceptions!!

10 How to Succeed in This Class
Do the work. Really! This includes notes, in-class practice (speaking, listening, and written), assignments, and homework.

11 How to Succeed in this Class
Study and ask questions when you don’t understand! This may include coming for extra help if you need it.  I always give study tips and what to focus on for tests.

12 Class Rules Respect Others Yourself Substitute Teachers
Work assigned with a substitute is meaningful and is expected to be completed All class rules still apply even when I’m not in the room Names written down will have consequences

13 Class Rules Responsibility For your actions For your work
For your attitude

14 Class Rules Attendance Lates After 3 – detention
After 4 – phone call home After 5 – office

15 Class Rules Attention

16 Class Rules Electronic devices Teacher’s discretion
“Strike three, you’re out!” Warning Detention with me Given to office and phone call home

17 Homework Designed to prepare students for class assignments and/or extend learning beyond the classroom Meaningful No specific grade for homework “I forgot it” is not an excuse  got two contacts already!  use my website!

18 Assignments and Tests All tests will be signed; quizzes are signed if less than 70% Late Work Students must turn in a pink “Missing Work Log” in lieu of the assignment Marks will be deducted for each day late Parents will be contacted on end- of-unit assignments



21 Yep. It does have to be in French.
All homework, assignments, and tests must be completed in French. What are my expectations for your French capabilities? Google Translate NOPE. Plagiarism

22 Other Tidbits My website My mailbox Extra help Or google my name and it should be one of the first sites My mailbox Red bin for written requests, handing in work (folder) Extra help Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch and after school


24 Exit Card: 3-2-1 3 rules and/or procedures you learned today
2 questions you have for me 1 suggestion you have for the class to make it fun, more interesting, or easy-to-learn!

25 “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.”


27 Incentives Program Points board  homework pass, g/c, rain cheques, good letter/phone call home, get out of detention card, movie day (class), extra bathroom pass Get points by: completing work (exit cards), participating positively, following directions, asking deep questions, showing compassion for your classmates, persevering, Consequences: detention, phone call home, apology letter, being sent to another classroom, community service,

28 Opening Questions Write down the answers on the index cards first.
What are you looking forward to this year? In this class? What are you not looking forward to this year? In this class? Share your answers with the class.

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