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Enquire, Enrich and the MiniREF William J Nixon Reporting from Institutional Systems Workshop University of Glasgow, February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Enquire, Enrich and the MiniREF William J Nixon Reporting from Institutional Systems Workshop University of Glasgow, February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enquire, Enrich and the MiniREF William J Nixon Reporting from Institutional Systems Workshop University of Glasgow, February 2011

2 Enlighten [Screenshot]

3 Evolution of Enlighten Enlighten: Hybrid Institutional Repository - Mandatory Deposit - Wide Range of Item Types - Mostly Metadata Enlighten: Institutional Repository - Voluntary Deposit - Limited Item Types - Mostly Full Text JUNE 2008 – Publications Policy 2001- 2010-JISC Projects: DAEDALUS to Enrich and Enquire

4 University Statement – April 2006 “Glasgow University, as a signatory of the Scottish Open Access Declaration, strongly encourages authors at Glasgow University to deposit copies of their published work into the University's Institutional Repository……….The Repository is a freely available database which anyone in the world can access and is intended to be a showcase of the research undertaken at the University.”

5 University Publications Policy – June 2008 The objectives of this policy are: To increase the visibility of research publications produced by staff employed by or associated with the University of Glasgow To ensure that research outputs are prepared and curated in a way which helps maximise the value that they have for the university in terms of the external use of bibliometric data e.g. league tables, post- 2008 RAE

6 Publications Policy: Concerns of University Staff Content –What should be provided? How? When? Copyright –Will you ask me to break © agreements? What support is available? Context –How will this data and the full text be seen and accessed? Citations –Will the open access versions be cited rather than the publisher version? Impact on citations

7 Publications Policy: Processes Different Deposit Models –Self deposit by academic staff –Proxy deposit by administrative staff on behalf of academics –Fully mediated deposit (full text sent via e-mail to Library) Different Publication Data Models –Added directly into Enlighten or, –Imported from departmental publications databases (Reference manager, EndNote etc.) Copyright and Funder Issues –Library staff will review and check copyright, funder and open access conditions for material

8 State of Enlighten 15,000 User records 38,800 Publication records to date 3,600+ Full text papers 530% increase in records (Dec 2009 to Dec 2010) Data Matching exercise with Thomson Reuters (InCites) in March 2011

9 Google Analytics

10 Developmental Work 2009-10 JISC ‘Enrich’ and ‘Enquire’ projects Embedding Enlighten alongside other University systems Enabling sign-on with institutional ID (GUID) Managing Author disambiguation Demonstrating compliance with Open Access requirements of funders Reusing the data across the institution Piloting the collection of output, impact and esteem data via the repository

11 Additional Journal Fields ISSN Online Journal Abbreviation Published Online Autocompletion New searches

12 Enabling Additional Content Types

13 Browsing by Glasgow Author New Glasgow Author view Replaced “All author view” Uses staff names in the Staff A to Z Independent of name cited in the publication Publications linked to author with GUID Glasgow author autocomplete field now available which includes e-mail and GUID No need to add or use Staff Number

14 Browse by Glasgow Author [Screenshot]

15 Adding Funder Data New Funding option in the deposit workflow Award data from Research System where "publicity flag = “yes“ Staff will check. Data added with a new autocomplete field

16 Linking Outputs to Awards

17 Research System Data

18 EPrints Record with Funder

19 ESRC Funder

20 Browse by Research Funder Name

21 Link from Research System

22 Enlighten Dev

23 Staff A to Z with Publications

24 Role in Impact and Output Agenda Assist with impact plans Identify users of our research and best channels to get it to them Have better ways of articulating the benefits of our research and getting the beneficiaries to confirm this Capture outputs and impacts and associate them with funders “Free IP from the University of Glasgow”

25 Mini-REF (Oct-Dec 2010) Internal REF exercise Enlighten being used as the platform to carry out this exercise Using modified version of the RAE add-on software developed by the University of Southampton for RAE 2008 Has significantly increased staff engagement with Enlighten 200+ staff self-deposited records 4000+ new records added

26 MiniREF Selections

27 MiniREF Selection Details

28 Impact and Esteem

29 Impact and Esteem 2

30 REF Reporting


32 rae.xml

33 MiniREF Lessons Your publications data can never be comprehensive enough in advance of an exercise like this Ensure you are ready to deal with the volume of queries, updates and additional publications which the exercise will elicit Administration features including the opportunity to "impersonate" users (to update records on their behalf) and to run various reports are absolutely vital for managing returns and gauging progress Learn lessons, take onboard feedback and be flexible/nimble enough to make changes to the system and workflows

34 Using publications data for research management University now has comprehensive record of its publications Senior management interest in re-using and analysing this data Publication lists pulled from Enlighten to pre- populate Professorial Performance and Development Review forms Comparison of University’s publications with ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia) journal rankings list

35 And CERIF? R4R work with CERIF4REF plugins for: –EPrints –Dspace –Fedora Anticipate CERIF will be an import format for the REF Data Collection System

36 An Institutional Exemplar – 3 P’s PeoplePoliciesProcesses

37 Find Out More Me @williamjnixon Enlighten Web 2.0 Blog and Twitter

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