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Taking a researcher’s e-Infrastructure to the next level Nicole Grégoire Internet2 Spring meeting – April 24, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking a researcher’s e-Infrastructure to the next level Nicole Grégoire Internet2 Spring meeting – April 24, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking a researcher’s e-Infrastructure to the next level Nicole Grégoire Internet2 Spring meeting – April 24, 2012

2 Outline Community Management @ SURFnet Enlighten Your Research contest Use cases Enlighten Your Research 4

3 Community Managers Research Currently a team of 3 people (2.6 fte) Background in research Representing the users/researchers within SURFnet Relationship management with: Individual researchers Research groups / virtual research organizations e-Infrastructure partners

4 User Participation Create awareness about services created in the Gigaport3 program and new possibilities they offer; Involve users and (virtual) organizations; Find and create use cases together with early adopters; Collect user requirements  user driven innovation; Identify and remove barriers for adoption; Stimulate usage.

5 Outreach activities Workshops, seminars (SURFacademy) Market & user surveys BoD User Group Support Teams (in collaboration with partners) Contests (Enlighten Your Research)

6 Enlighten your Research A contest for researchers organized by SURFnet. Objectives: To create awareness among researchers about the advantages that lightpaths can offer; To scout for innovative research projects that may benefit from lightpaths; To learn from the implementation process; To create best practices.

7 EYR1 & EYR2 EYR1 (2007)EYR2 (2008) Fixed lightpaths (national or international) Dynamic lightpaths (national) Two locationsMaximum of five locations 20 Submissions (14 in second round) 7 Submissions (5 to second round) 5 winners3 winners (14 connections)

8 Winners EYR2 Best practices: Pulsar Cinegrid Proteomics

9 Lessons Learned Use Users need combination of lightpaths, computing and storage as dynamic resources. Realization SURFnet’s role does not end with connecting the lightpath; end-to-end guidance is necessary and expected Commitment between parties involved is a must Campus infrastructure not always prepared No budget to prepare campus infrastructure

10 Enlighten Your Research 3 Take your e-Infrastructure to the next level

11 Proposal Minimum of two locations (must have SURFnet connection); Scientific subject can be chosen freely; Use of technology such as: –Remote storage –Remote instrumentation –Compute clusters  Most important is that the desired e-Infrastructure has a clear added value to the research Commitment of parties involved View on sustainability

12 Sustainability Reduce energy consumption in higher education sector by 30% in 2020 Sustainable examples of e-Infrastructure: –Conference calls –Sending data over hybrid network instead of DVDs via regular mail –Green data storage

13 Prizes Requested storage with a maximum of 20 Terabyte; Requested compute time with a maximum of 20.000 core hours; Connectivity between the requested locations; Support; A grant of 10,000 Euro to finance the necessary infrastructure The main prize winners will be awarded 10,000 Euro award money The winner of the sustainability prize will be awarded 5,000 Euro award money.

14 Procedure First round Team Abstract max. 500 words View on sustainability max. 150 words Second round Consultation round –Technical –Organizational –Financial Final proposals

15 Consultation Round (1) 1.General session: What type of e-Infrastructure services do they really need for their research? –lightpaths: yes/no –storage: yes/no –compute time: yes/no –Cloud or Grid infrastructure?

16 Consultation Round (2) 2.Cloud/Grid session: technical details. 3.Lightpath session: discuss the technical details of the so-called last mile, i.e. SURFnet delivers the lightpath to the SURFnet POP. The institution is responsible for the connection from the POP to the local cluster. SURFnet’s role in this is to advice on possible configurations. The lightpath sessions were held with the network experts of the institutions involved (10 national locations and 4 international locations)

17 Result 14 proposals proposal submitted in first round 9 proposals approved for the second round: –8 proposals include storage and/or compute time –7 proposals include lightpath connections varying from 1 Gb/s fixed and dynamic to 10 Gb/s fixed. –A total of 27 lightpath ports –At 14 different locations, of which 4 international (2x UK, 1x USA, 1x Hong Kong)

18 Winners EYR3 5 winners Flyer Best Practices






24 Enlighten Your Research 4 EYR4 in 2013 focuses on International collaboration Want to join?

25 W Nicole.Gregoire[at] @n_gregoire ng0503 +31 30 230 5305 Creative Commons “Attribution” license:

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