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1 Quality Enhancement Challenge S. David Stamps, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs University of South Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quality Enhancement Challenge S. David Stamps, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs University of South Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quality Enhancement Challenge S. David Stamps, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs University of South Florida

2 2 SACS Reaffirmation Compliance Certification Report Due August 2004 Quality Enhancement Plan Due January 2005

3 3 Quality Enhancement Plan An opportunity to improve the quality of programs and services

4 4 QEP Institutional Improvement with Special Attention on Student Learning

5 5 A Plan For The Next Ten Years

6 6 We would have improved General Education. Reasons –These have changed since originally conceived. –Exit courses were never funded or adequately supported. –It is just time for a re-examination.

7 7 Broader Approach Look at how we deliver undergraduate curriculum Raise questions and introduce ideas for consideration

8 8 Reinvention Center Stony Brook Reinventing Undergraduate Education –Bruce Cochrane –Georg Kleine –Stu Silverman –David Stamps

9 9 Boyer Commission Report 1998 Research-Based Learning Inquiry-Based Freshman Foundation Interdisciplinary Communication Skills Information Technology Capstone Experience Apprentice Teachers Faculty Reward Systems Community

10 10 Why is this important to USF? Research 1 status Evidence-based decision making Undergraduate students for graduate school Research-based community engagement High technology and information-based society

11 11 Why do we hear? Graduates are not independent thinkers They don’t make rational choices They don’t pursue their aspirations

12 12 What have we learned about past history that can enlighten us about the future?

13 13 The Challenge of Liberal Education Go beyond the traditional conception Lagemann: “the practical liberal arts” emann02012003.html emann02012003.html

14 14 Carnegie Higher education is far more oriented to professional and technical degrees than in 1970s. 1970s – over 50% in liberal arts 2000 – over 60% in pre-professional & technical fields

15 15 Many Students I need to get a job! I just want a degree! Students: –Seek relationship between course of study and job –Graduate without a clear sense of direction

16 16 Question Are colleges and universities developing narrowly designed professional and technical fields of study with liberal arts components that are without direction?

17 17 USF – Research 1 University Prepare students for graduate study? Provide insights and skills necessary for career entry and change? Provide learning experiences for better appreciation/understanding of world?

18 18 Practical Liberal Arts (Lagemann) Having a calling... Knowing who one is Beliefs, values, where one stands Choices Social interconnectedness Civic responsibility Respect for tolerance Evidence-based decision-making Respect for values of due process

19 19 This is not about one individual’s calling but about one’s calling in society and across societies.

20 20 Research-based Undergraduate Curriculum Begin by asking …

21 21 What Conditions What conditions currently exist that would enhance an undergraduate research program?

22 22 What Changes What policies, structures, expectations, etc. need to be changed to establish an undergraduate research program?

23 23 Research 1 quality How does the quality of instruction differ in a Research 1 university from that of a comprehensive university?

24 24 Assumptions For consideration..

25 25 Assumption Undergraduate students will go to graduate school.

26 26 Assumption Undergraduate students will have a research and inquiry experience.

27 27 Assumption The undergraduate research program will be comprehensive in approach and conceptual in nature.

28 28 Assumption Undergraduates will receive a value-added education if they have a research experience even if they do not continue to graduate school.

29 29 Assumption The undergraduate research experience will provide an emphasis on evidence-based decision- making.

30 30 Assumption The undergraduate research experience will provide opportunities for research that is community-based.

31 31 A liberal arts curriculum can support a research- based undergraduate experience.

32 32 Possible Gen Ed Core Levels Approach 1.Writing, argumentation, and library skills 2.Oral presentation skills 3.Writing in the major

33 33 Undergraduate Research is Developmental Beginning – ideas & interests Intermediate – experience & skills Advanced – independent research

34 34 - Our Challenge - How to overcome faculty and students’ lack of concern or appreciation of the value of undergraduate research.

35 35 A possibility – Introductory Seminar Lay groundwork Mentoring relationships

36 36 Research 1 University Challenges Balancing roles Curriculum Pedagogy Experiential learning

37 37 Curriculum Aspects Intellectual Skills –Critical thinking –Critical reading –Problem-solving –Analyzing, integrating, etc. –Writing effectively –Ability to formulate questions

38 38 Curriculum Aspects Broad Definitions/Understanding –Epistemological sophistication –Cross cultural understanding –Scientific/qualitative literacy –Collaboration –Civic and social responsibility –Life-long learning self-regulated

39 39 Pedagogy Change Process of inquiry Make observations Pose questions Learners engaged in questions posed by faculty Directed to collect certain data Learners select among questions and pose new questions

40 40 Pedagogy Change Directed to collect data Guided in process of evaluating data collected Identify sources of information Analyze Identify assumptions Propose explanations Guiding learning should be role of faculty

41 41 Pedagogy of Engagement Problem-based learning Experiential learning Service learning

42 42 A Challenge for Quality Enhancement Undergraduate Research University of South Florida

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