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Agenda v Class Description v Advice to students v What is communication? v History of our field.

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3 Agenda v Class Description v Advice to students v What is communication? v History of our field

4 Class Description v Assignments v Getting the grade v Learning by Doing v No big assignments

5 Instructor’s Advice to Students v Make your work a matter of pride v Take ownership of your field v Become involved in your field’s professional organizations v Be willing to keep an open mind and willing to change it when data demand it v Improve your writing

6 Advice from Students 1. Keep up with the readings 2. Get help early 3. Let Reinard help you 4. Take uppers 5. Give Reinard downers

7 Agenda v Class Description v Advice to students v What is communication? v History of our field

8 What is Communication v Not the idea you wanted to get across v The process by which people exchange and assign meaning to messages

9 Why are we a distinct field? v The New Orleans Conference of 1968 v “research in speech-communication focuses on the ways in which messages link participants during interactions”

10 Agenda v Class Description v Advice to students v What is communication? v History of our field

11 Your Intellectual Birthdays v 3000 BCE Auctor ad Kagemni Auctor ad Kagemni v 2675 BCE Ptah Hotep Precepts Ptah Hotep Precepts v 500 BCE Corax Rhetoric Techne Corax Rhetoric Techne

12 Early Teachers Called Sophists v Travelled Around v Charged Tuition

13 Early Sophists v Corax (470 BCE) Rhetorike Techne The argument from probability v Protagoras: The father of debate v and others....

14 Plato’s attacks on Communication v Not an art v No subject matter of its own v No concern for the truth v Not confer power v Not prevent suffering to innocent v If it could prevent suffering of innocent, it could be used to help the guilty avoid justice

15 Plato in Favor of Rhetoric? v must know the truth v must know order and arrangement v must define terms v must know the soul v must know style v writing respected as means of instruction v must have high moral purpose

16 Aristotle Faculty of discovering in the particular case what are the available means of persuasion a branch of ethics the counterpart of dialectic

17 Canons of Rhetoric v Invention ethos ethos pathos pathos logos logos v Arrangement v Style v Delivery v Memory

18 The Roman Tradition v World’s first newspaper, Acta Diurna v Cicero v Quintilian

19 Cicero’s Teachings in Communication v Cicero’s exciting life (106-43 BCE) v Communicators must develop vast knowledge v Types of style Plain Plain Middle Middle Grand Grand v Artful Diffidence

20 Quintilian vFvFvFvFirst public school teacher: the Institute of Oratory (70-73) vVvVvVvVir bonus vcvcvcvconcern for stock issues and organization very great vevevevend of the classical period

21 Rise of Christianity v Many different Christian sects: Marcions Marcions Docetists Docetists Thedotians Thedotians Patripassions Patripassions Martynus Martynus Gnostics Gnostics Valentinians Valentinians Manichaeians Manichaeians

22 Constantine and the Rise of the Dark Ages v 313 Constantine and Licinius issue the Edict of Milan v The Church outlaws and “pagan” writings v The “Dark Ages” begin

23 Rise of Christianity in Europe and Augustine’s “Christianization” of Communication > > Content and Invention: Gospels > > Style: Letters of Apostles

24 Speech and Hearing Science Starts as Charity in Middle Ages Slide 1.10

25 The Church Starts Universities v The Church adopts the philosophy of scholasticism v Students study matters of church doctrine on all subjects v In 1210 and 1215 the Church confronts teachings of Aristotle, Cicero and the classics

26 Communication as a Core Subject among the Liberal Arts v Trivium: Logic Logic Grammar Grammar Rhetoric Rhetoric v Quadrivium: Arithmetic Arithmetic Geometry Geometry Astronomy Astronomy Music Music

27 Communication as a Core Study in the Early Universities n n Tradition of Tassel Color Silver

28 The Development of Cheap Paper and the Renaissance v A Use for the printing press v Publications in local languages v Replacement of disputation with the term paper


30 Bacon and the Rise of Faculty Psychology in Communication reason -- --imagination will --

31 Ramus and the Emasculation of Communication Studies v Peter Ramus (1550 + ) v Invention and Arrangement go to Logic v Style and Delivery go to Communication

32 Elocutionists and Speech and Hearing Science v Elocutionists: Richard Sherry (1550) John Bulwer’s Chirologia... and Chironomia (1644) v Speech and Hearing Science Thomas Braidwood founds institute (1760) de l’Epee founds sign language school

33 Colonial Influences ] ] Campbell (1776): Philosophy of Rhetoric – –purposes: enlighten understanding, please imagination, move passions, influence will – – perspicuity ] ] Blair (1783): Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres ] ] Whately (1828): Elements of Rhetoric ] ]argumentation, presumptions

34 Speech and Hearing Science Gets Linked to Medicine Dr. James Rush publishes The Philosophy of the Human Voice (1827)

35 Academic Debate Pushes Emergence of thge Field v Harvard’s ”Spy Club” founded before the American Revolution v First intercollegiate debate: November 29, 1872 between Northwestern University and Chicago University v First debate tournament in Winfield, Kansas, on March 14-16, 1923

36 Rise of Communication Departments v First Master’s thesis completed by H. S. Buffum at the University of Iowa (1902) v First Ph.d. awared to Sara Stinchfield-Hawke at University of Wisconsin (1922)

37 Speech and Hearing Science Clinics Hospitals Public schools Government agencies Private foundations Private practice

38 General Communication Education Law Ministry Business Training and development Sales Community relations Management

39 See you next Thursday!

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