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Connecting the New Home & Career Skills Curriculum to the Old One.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting the New Home & Career Skills Curriculum to the Old One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting the New Home & Career Skills Curriculum to the Old One

2 Curriculum Components Unchanged Mandated course in middle school for all students for 30 weeks or ¾ unit Taught by a certified FACS teacher Similar curriculum outline –Content topics ---- Performance Obj. ---- Supp. Competencies Delivered by using hands-on instruction

3 Focus on Process Skills Communication Skills Creative & Critical Thinking Leadership Management Skills

4 How do the new content topics fit into the old modules? Personal & Family Resource Management Module is now five separate units.  Personal Environment Management  Consumer Resource Management  Nutrition & Wellness  Financial Management  Clothing Management

5 How do the new content topics fit into the old modules?  Personal Development Module  SelfHuman Development  Career Planning Module Career Development  OthersInterpersonal Relationships Family & Parenting Human Development

6 Where does the 10 th Content Topic fit?  Community Connections  Participating in local & global community activities  Role of adolescent in enhancing the lives of others Start a FCCLA Chapter

7 How are the new content topics different then the old ones? Current terms are used Concepts are emphasized such as wellness, responsibility, cooperation, exploration, etc. Shift in philosophy from teaching technical skills to teaching process skills Incorporates NYS learning standards

8 Current Terms are used The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. ~Mark Twain Nutrition Mgmt. Nutrition & Wellness Kitchen Culinary Lab Money Mgmt. Financial Mgmt. Home Economics Family & Consumer Sciences

9 Concepts are Emphasized A broad idea that is transferable & has lasting value. –Wellness encompasses nutrition, physical fitness, mental health, etc. It is a concept for the topic nutrition. –Relationships is a concept that includes the topics dating, family ties, friendships, etc. –Teamwork is a concept that includes working together cooperatively. This is only inferred in the old curriculum, but now included under leadership. –Concepts: Collaboration, responsibility, perspective, culture, change, creativity, balance, technology…

10 Shift in Philosophy from Teaching Technical Skills to Teaching Process Skills Which is more valuable to learn:  Facts?  Using & processing information?

11 Teaching Technical Skills Teach students HOW to prepare food, HOW to construct textiles, HOW to balance a checkbook, … Emphasis is on acquiring these skills as the end result. Why is this a problem?

12 Teaching Process Skills Hands-on activities is considered a means to an end. Emphasis is on the process skills and concepts being taught. What should the emphasis be in baking muffins? Making healthy choices Importance of following directions Use and purpose of a leavening agent Teamwork & Cooperation

13 Incorporates the NYS Learning Standards Each content topic lists the FACS and CDOS standards. Each content topic is also aligned with the other NYS learning standards. This curriculum is connected to 25 of the 28 standards and represented on a chart in the curriculum guide.

14 The FACS Curriculum is helping students make connections with other general education.

15 We need to emphasize the process skills found in the Home & Career Skills curriculum:  Communication  Management  Leadership  Creative & Critical Thinking

16 This new curriculum can help pave the way to enlighten your administrators and fellow teachers about how valuable the FACS curriculum is to students.

17 Begin the enlightenment today!

18 Thank you! Andrea Mosenson FCS Education Coordinator Dept. of Family, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences Queens College, CUNY Flushing, NY 11367 718-997-4161

19 Language Arts Science Social Studies Math Home & Career Skills Home and Career Skills where academics merge with real life.

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