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Reaching New Heights in Diversity through Themed Events Michigan State University Diversity Themed Events Committee.

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1 Reaching New Heights in Diversity through Themed Events Michigan State University Diversity Themed Events Committee

2 EdTrinise Page, Kristen Schlicker, Letisia Pena, FloResha Foreman, Angie Hull, Krista Strobel (not pictured)

3 Committee’s History  Diversity Themed Events Committee established in 1999, when MSU School of Social Work adopted diversity as its signature theme  Sue Bowden, undergraduate coordinator, helped establish the committee  Main Purpose: Creates a safe place for the MSU community to become more culturally informed while engaging in social activities

4 How do we define diversity?  Diversity is multi-dimensional and not limited to ethnicity  We define diversity based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, education, socioeconomic level, ability and family status

5 The Big Picture  Stereotyping stems from ignorance  By exposing ourselves to different populations we humanize those who are different  Since we hold certain bias and prejudice it is important to be active in assessing our views  It is difficult to stereotype when we feel a connection with individuals who are different from ourselves

6 Detroit  First Diversity Themed Event was to Detroit  The group visited:  Greektown  Second Baptist Church  African American Museum

7 Chicago Field Trip  Bi-annual overnight trip (even years)  Journey through the past, present, and future of the human service profession

8 Hull House  Jane Addams historical settlement house  Hull House Association of Chicago is the direct descendent of the settlement house founded by Jane Addams in 1889  The original Hull House complex consisted of 13 buildings

9 Mexican Fine Arts Museum  Largest Latino culture organization in the country  Goal: to stimulate and preserve the appreciation of the richness and beauty of the Mexican culture

10 DuSable Museum of African American History  The oldest museum of African-American history in the country  Established to preserve and interpret the historical experiences and achievements of African-Americans

11 Howard Brown Health Center  The Midwest’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health organization  Focus is on good quality, nonjudgmental services to all who enter through the doors  Broadway Youth Center-provides youth services for anyone under 24

12 National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum  Inspires a greater understanding of the real impact of war with a focus on the Vietnam War  Houses over 500 works of art, including paintings, photography, sculpture, poetry and music  All the works in the Museum’s permanent collection were created and comprised by 125 artists, who chronicled their individual experiences from the Vietnam War

13 Chicago Cultural Center  As one of the most comprehensive free arts showcases in the United States, this landmark building is the setting for hundreds of programs and exhibitions presented annually by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.

14 Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe Reservation  Bi-annual trip (odd years)  Trip with the MSU Law School

15 Tribal Court  Serves to protect the sovereignty, culture and values of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe  The Tribe is a key political entity with national, state, and local governments

16 Social Services Building  Ngodewaangiziwin- “Helping Our Families”  Philosophy: Prevention before Intervention  Utilizes native traditional ways to address social issues

17 Tribal Education  Strives to bridge the gap between two worlds  Contains programs that are immersed in cultural heritage and learning styles  K-12 Program: provides tribal tutors

18 Nimkee Memorial Wellness Center  Goal is to promote healthy lifestyles  Services Provided:  Medical/Ambulatory Care Clinic  Dental Clinic  Public Health Department  Pharmacy  Fitness Center

19 Nimkee Fitness Center  Provides fitness services and activities  Promotes good health and disease prevention that will enhance quality of life and a sense of well being  Free for all members of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe

20 Behavioral Health Department  Focus on the strengths of the person, family, and community  Looks into support systems that the individual has, to help guide them to wellness  Looks at four components of the individuals life:  Spiritual  Emotional  Physical  Intellectual

21 Domestic Violence Shelter  Nami Migizi Nangwiihgan- “Under the Eagle Wing”  First Native American Domestic Violence Shelter in the country  Includes: 6 adult beds, 2 juvenile beds, and 2 cribs  Services include:  Safe Haven  Clothing Bank  Group/Individual Therapy  Cultural Sensitivity  Referrals to Community Agencies

22 7 th Generation  Mission Statement:  "The purpose of the Seventh Generation Program is to provide a culturally experienced team facility, which will provide education and practice for community members to learn the Traditional Anishinaabe way of life."

23 7 th Generation cont.  Sweat lodges, used for spiritual cleansing during any significant transitional time in ones life  Many would use sweat lodges before vision quest  The steam from the rocks is the breath from the rocks, and rocks are sacred and highly respected

24 Ziibiwing Center of Anishinaabe Culture & Lifeways  Mission Statement:  The Ziibiwing Center was created to enlighten and educate all communities in the rich culture, heritage, and history of the Anishinabek people of the Great Lakes. Featuring the Diba Jimooyung: Telling Our Story permanent exhibit, changing exhibits, lectures, and educational workshops, the Ziibiwing Center provides learning opportunities for all ages.

25 Ziibiwing Center

26 Ziibiwing Dinner  The Tribe provided dinner which consisted of traditional food including:  Wild Rice with Mushroom Sauce  Fried Bread  Indian Corn Soup

27 Diversity Potlucks  1-2 potlucks per semester  Participants include: Social Work students and faculty and guests  Participants bring ethnic foods to share  Potlucks are a tool to build bridges between diverse populations

28 Food  Ethnic foods that have been brought to potlucks:  Sauerkraut  Hummus  Mexican Rice and Beans  Chinese Dumplings  Enchiladas  Lebkuchen  Pear Juice  Mexican Candy and Gum

29 Future Goals  Implement incentives for those working towards diversity certificates to participate in meetings to stimulate interest  Coordinating more volunteer activities with diverse populations  More trip locations

30 Jamaica  Hopes for an exchange program with the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus  A continuing education spring break field trip for students and faculty

31 Diversity Themed Events Committee EdTrinise Page, Kristen Schlicker, Letisia Pena, FloResha Foreman, Angie Hull, Krista Strobel (not pictured)

32 Survey  Main Question:  When we traveled to the Native American Reservation and to Chicago, participants learned a lot about diversity and culture. What are some other field trip ideas you may have that our group could use in the future?

33 Questions???

34 More Information??  Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions or suggestions about future locations and group ideas  Kristen Schlicker   Letisia Pena   FloResha Foreman   Angie Hull   EdTrineise Page   Krista Strobel 


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