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Presented by Alice K. Waagen, PhD Workforce Learning LLC Tel: (703) 834-7580 www.workforcelearning.com1.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Alice K. Waagen, PhD Workforce Learning LLC Tel: (703) 834-7580 www.workforcelearning.com1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Alice K. Waagen, PhD Workforce Learning LLC Tel: (703) 834-7580 www.workforcelearning.com1

2 Scenario …. Mary is a very strong individual contributor who is hardworking, energetic, and has great pride in the work she does. www.workforcelearning.com2

3 Scenario …. One day Mary’s boss called her into his office … www.workforcelearning.com3

4 Scenario … Good news – a promotion! Bad news – No time No training No reduction in workload www.workforcelearning.com4

5 Agenda Introduction Management Development Management Accountability Objective Time and Job Expectations Summary www.workforcelearning.com5

6 Discuss … What is your biggest challenge in helping managers in your organization? www.workforcelearning.com6

7 Management Challenges Sample quotes … Staff “My manager doesn’t every say ‘good morning’ or ‘how are you?’ “ “Feedback? Yes, when I do something wrong, never when I do something right …” “I have not had a performance review in 3 years …” Sample quotes … Managers “I want to fire this employee. He/she has a bad attitude” “What do you mean I can’t use expletives and raise my voice? It always gets their attention” www.workforcelearning.com7

8 What is Management? From Peter Drucker: Managing the business Utilizing fully all resources, human and material Managing workers and the work From: The Practice of Management, 1954 From Joan Magretta: Management’s business is building organizations that work From: What Management Is, 2002 www.workforcelearning.com8

9 The Management Success Triangle DEVELOPMENT TIME SUCCESS ACCOUNTABILITY www.workforcelearning.com9 Development: Knowledge, Skills, Experience Accountability: Consequences Time: Job definition that allows the time to manage

10 Management Development Management Key Functions Planning – what needs to get done, by when, by who Staffing the work – skills, knowledge and experience matched to the work Monitoring and measuring – are deadlines met, is quality of work as expected Providing feedback to all Adjusting the plan and people as needed www.workforcelearning.com10 DEVELOPMENT

11 Primary Development Focus Areas Performance Planning / Goal Setting Effective Communication Coaching / Feedback Building and Maintaining Teams Managing Conflict Delegation Motivating Others www.workforcelearning.com11 DEVELOPMENT

12 Additional Development Focus Areas Leading Change Decision Making Problem Solving Effective Hiring Practices Managing Time and Resources www.workforcelearning.com12 DEVELOPMENT

13 Development Solutions Training Degree programs Formal classroom workshops Online/ virtual learning Communities of Practice (internal or external) Networks, professional associations Readings Temporary assignments (positions, projects, task forces) Volunteer work Etc. www.workforcelearning.com13 DEVELOPMENT

14 Development Solutions New Manager’s Toolkit – information and resources as needed, just in time First 30 days Org charts Facility maps Handling leave and absenteeism First three months HR Handbook / key policies & procedures Budget & finance information First 6 months Performance management system Learning & development resources www.workforcelearning.com14

15 Development Planning 1. Assess current levels of skills, knowledge, experience 2. Determine needs for the position 3. Identify gaps in skills, knowledge, experience 4. Create development goals and objectives 5. Research development tasks and activities 6. Create plan with what, when, how and results 7. Review, hold accountable for plan completion www.workforcelearning.com15 DEVELOPMENT

16 Sample Development Plan Name: _________________ Date: _____________ www.workforcelearning.com16 Developmental Goal: To increase skills and abilities in managing conflict on my team Action / ActivityTimeframeMeasures / Results Attend internal Conflict Management class Q1 2010Share action plan of applied learning with boss and direct reports Serve as mediator to resolve conflicts in peer work group Q2 2010Favorable result of mediated conflict Contract with peer to serve as mentor on conflict resolution skills Q2 2010Meet monthly for feedback on observed conflict resolution skills

17 Accountability Assumption: People will focus their time and energies on that for which they are held accountable Vehicle for accountability: the performance objective Historical bias in formal management education (BA, MBA) is on quantifiable, numerical metrics “Soft skills” like managing others do not lend themselves easily to statistical measurement www.workforcelearning.com17 ACCOUNTABILITY

18 Management Objective 1. Determine those competencies or attributes that are most important to your organization's culture 2. Define an objective for each competency that is behavioral, observable and (somewhat) measureable 3. Hold managers accountable for performance to the standards set in the objectives www.workforcelearning.com18 ACCOUNTABILITY

19 Sample Objectives Open Communication Establishes and maintains effective communications at all levels: upward, laterally and downward Regularly and consistently communicates information downward to work team Displays good oral and written communication skills Establishes an environment that promotes an open atmosphere and the sharing of ideas Involves employees in decision making process www.workforcelearning.com19 ACCOUNTABILITY

20 Sample Objectives Managing Performance Creates short and long-term goals for all staff Clarifies performance expectations, sets realistic standards and targets On a regular basis, measures employee accomplishments, using both qualitative and quantitative measures, provides the information employees need in order to monitor their own performance Provides specific, objective feedback on an ongoing basis to inform, enlighten, and suggest improvements to employees regarding their performance www.workforcelearning.com20 ACCOUNTABILITY

21 Management Object Measures Managers translate objectives into ongoing tactics and activities which are reviewed by level above them Managers periodically, at interim review, and end of year review, perform a self-evaluation which is reviewed and revised as needed by level above Lateral reviews are conducted to gain feedback from peers and other managers in the organization Employees provide upward feedback on a manager’s success in keeping them informed www.workforcelearning.com21

22 Time and Structure Establish metrics or guidelines on time needed to manage the work of others: Average of one hour a week per direct report Variables – experience, length of service of direct reports, personality issues Build this time into position descriptions, expectations of senior management www.workforcelearning.com22 TIME

23 The Business Case Avoid direct ROI (return on investment) projects – they are costly and time consuming Instead use concrete cost-of-poor-management measures: Time to fill management or key staff vacancies Loss opportunity / revenue due to key vacancies Cost or errors, missed deadlines The two factors that most affect employee retentions and engagement: I have a boss that I respect I have challenging and meaningful work www.workforcelearning.com23

24 Summary The three conditions that must be present for a manager to succeed are development on key skills, holding them accountable for consequences and adequate time to manage The ultimate cost of poor management is an overworked Human Resources Department which must make up for managers not doing their job

25 Additional Reading… The Practice of Management by Peter Drucker, 1954. The New Manager’s Survival Manual by Clay Carr, 1995. What Management Is and How it Works and Why it is Everyone’s Business by Joan Magretta, 2002. The Essential HR Handbook by Sharon Armstrong & Barbara Mitchell, 2008. The Savvy Manager by Jane Flagello & Sandra B. Dugas, 2009.

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