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I believe each and every one of us as a Circler is an ambassador of the movement and can give immense publicity to LC India even in our own individual.

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Presentation on theme: "I believe each and every one of us as a Circler is an ambassador of the movement and can give immense publicity to LC India even in our own individual."— Presentation transcript:

1 I believe each and every one of us as a Circler is an ambassador of the movement and can give immense publicity to LC India even in our own individual capacity. Looking forward for support from each one of you. Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

2 I believe each and every one of us as a Circler is an ambassador of the movement and can give immense publicity to LC India even in our own individual capacity. Looking forward for support from each one of you. Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

3 My request is to identify a single project for your circle or for your area to have focus..... At the Area level who what which circle should not be the criteria - it should be a project with which the floor can associate and a special event can be done around it. This way a Special Event or a Publicity Drive can be planned around that One Focused Project. Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

4 Your One Act of Compassion gets kick started at the COB. LADIES CIRCLE INDIA has a customized RED silicon band promoting the essence and purpose of the movement. It can be a powerful statement SHOWING THE SOLIDARITY BETWEEN CIRCLERS and promoting that ANY ACT OF COMPASSION BIG OR SMALL GOES A LONG WAY. This is intended to raise money for various projects, raise awareness, and encourage people to be a part of our movement and show support to us. Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

5 We can buy and sell each band for Rs 100 only. All Area CP's and Circle CP's are requested to promote the sale of THE BAND OF PASSION. At least ONE BAND should be possessed by each CIRCLER. These bands can be carried to the International Conference as well and promoted to gain publicity and generate funds for various projects. If the Regalia convener agrees, we can have it as one of the items for the year too. Please note...... I request all to consider that not a single band will be for free whosoever wears it has to buy it as their ONE ACT OF COMPASSION. And it is us and only us who can promote this with no gifts. Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

6 THIS PUBLICITY DRIVE CAN BE DONE AT AN AREA LEVEL AS WELL AS AT A CIRCLE LEVEL. The RTI Week can be a good time to do as we can get a lot of support from the Tablers. INSPIRATION: The Hutch Marathon Let’s zero down a cause we feel is closest to our it education, girl child, corruption, pollution, water.... And lets walk for it with our families and friends.

7 To register one needs to buy a supporter card worth Rs.100 to Rs.500 depending on each city and target. This money will be used to support the cause in that city and will also provide publicity to the movement. This walk can be made very successful in small cities as arranging media and permission is easy. For example: If we get a sponsor and a focused project... e.g. say some footwear manufacturer, we can have the walk Pan India or Area wise and call it THE BATA WOMAN WALK FOR LITERACY!!!!!! It could be any company.........the sponsored money can be used to arrange banners and water and the printing of supporter cards. Or otherwise the supporter card money could be used to give water and a poster to the one registering whatever sounds better. So let’s say if we have 100 women and children walking with friends and families holding a poster each it would make a mark!!! Money 100*100=10000 Spent say 50 on water and poster so raised 5000 and created awareness!! Let’s not focus on raising much here focus on creating awareness thru supporter cards and the walk..... Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

8 ANOTHER SIMILAR PATTERN A flash mob is a group of people who assemble unannounced at a public place perform an unusual act briefly and then quickly disperse the aim is to generate curiosity and awareness about a cause.... So We have a group We can assemble We can perform an unusual act.... No giggling here We can perform a rhythmic clap, light candles, dress in the same colour, hold hands, hold banners, sing a song (we shall overcome or the national anthem), hold posters of LC INDIA... We can then quickly disperse We will generate curiosity and awareness We can do it in a park, on the beach, at a restaurant, at a mall, on a street... THINK THINK THINK Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

9 Imagine a huge flex in a mall, theatre, park, beach, school, college, office complex, neighborhood........ And it says...... LC India’s Wall To Educate & To Enlighten Let’s Make Our Country 100% Literate – Write How We’ll place this flex wall 5 feet by whatever length you have in the given area and ask people to write or draw their thoughts!!! We get publicity and we get a backdrop for our next event!!! REMEMBER WALLS HAVE EARS AND COLLECTIVE THOUGHT HAS POWER.... Target small cities again as it is easier to manage and create awareness.....use your contacts with the owner of that mall or multiplex or shop...... Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

10 We can repeat WOW again in every area with a new passion and flavour. How about a Graffiti Bus? Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

11 Find out what SIGNAGE works in your city- NO PARKING SIGNS BEWARE OF DOG SIGNS GO GREEN SIGNS Identify it and get them put in your neighborhood or city with the logo of your circle or LC INDIA. Try if they can be sponsored. FACEBOOK pages. CAR SCREENS are also a good medium of showcasing our movement. Every circle can get a WATER MATKA OR DISPENSER OR TAP in an area where there is a need and mention the name of the sponsor Circle or LC India. Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

12 Lets join hands in promoting and publicizing Ladies Circle India with a belief in THE POWER OF ONE and COLLECTIVE THOUGHT! Cr. Priya Agarwal Special Events and Publicity 2011-2012

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