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RHETORICAL MODES OF WRITING AP Lang Unit 1 Intro to Writing and Rhetoric.

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1 RHETORICAL MODES OF WRITING AP Lang Unit 1 Intro to Writing and Rhetoric

2 What is a Rhetorical Mode?  A structure or pattern that helps the writer achieve their purpose for writing.  Rhetorical modes can be paired into 3 categories:  Argumentative  Informational  Narrative

3 What are the argumentative rhetorical modes?  Cause and Effect:  To tell readers the reasons for or consequences of your subject, explaining why or what if.

4 What are the argumentative rhetorical modes?  Compare/Contrast:  To explain or evaluate your subject by helping readers see the similarities and differences between it and another subject.

5 What are the argumentative rhetorical modes?  Induction/Deduction  Induction = the use of specific examples are used to reach a general conclusion. If you didn’t like cabbage, corn, or carrots as a kid, your parents might have concluded that you didn’t like vegetables.  Deduction = the use of a generalization to draw a conclusion about a specific case. If you saw on Twitter that WCPS schools are closed due to snow, you could conclude that you won’t have to go to school.

6 What are the informational rhetorical modes?  Definition:  To show readers the meaning of your subject—its boundaries and its distinctions from other subjects.

7 What are the informational rhetorical modes?  Division/Classification:  To explain conclusion about your subject by showing readers the subject’s parts/elements or the kinds of groups it can be sorted into.

8 What are the informational rhetorical modes?  Example/Illustration  To use specific, relevant, convincing examples or illustrations to provide clarity for your audience.  The intent of these examples or illustrations is to explain or convince your argument.

9 What are the informational rhetorical modes?  Process:  To inform readers how to do something or how something works—how a sequence of actions leads to a particular result.

10 What are the narrative rhetorical modes?  Analogy  The use of comparison to explain an idea that is complex or abstract.  Example: Christians explain their god through analogy. They say their god is like a father who loves his children and, thus, both punishes and rewards them.

11 What are the narrative rhetorical modes?  Description:  To help readers understand your subject through the evidence of their senses—sight, sound, touch, smell, taste  Must determine if your purpose is subjective or objective before you start writing.  Consider your audience!

12 What are the narrative rhetorical modes?  Narrative  To tell a story about your subject, possibly to enlighten readers or to explain something to them.  What, Who, When, Where, Why, How?  Anecdote = short, entertaining account of a single incident.

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