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Pages A File System based eScience Workbench Roger Menday Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany.

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1 Pages A File System based eScience Workbench Roger Menday Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany

2 Pages is … … a Problem Solving Environment … inspired by UNICORE experience … acknowledging that it is difficult to beat the flexibility of doing things from the command line … reflecting common usage patterns … following ‘convention over configuration’ … a unified description, execution and results … doing some challenging workflow tasks quite naturally and doing some easy things ‘quirkily’ … not perfect for all cases

3 ‘Tinkering’ An important part of the eScience process – Not always possible to specify everything up front – Iterative process – Want to react to changes – Start before knowing where it will end up … – Purely user driven workflow is useful So is partially assisted workflow

4 Define Submit Execute Retrieve parse This parsing stage is the one which leads to static-ness. => Must eliminate it !

5 Define Submit Execute Retrieve parse Eliminated ! (but what does this unified workflow look like ?)

6 Define Submit Execute Retrieve Enhance / Redefine Now able to directly interact with the workflow during all stages of the workflow a bit like a spreadsheet

7 Strategy The working environment of the eScientist is the file-system Through following conventions and using simple command-line tools, a workflow environment is provided by reading/writing the file-system in harmony with the user reading/writing the file-system

8 API u.follow(‘.containsjobs.containsjob’) { |i| i.delete } Deletes all jobs across my Grid u.follow(‘.containsstorage[name=‘home’]’) { |i| i.grind(3, ‘*.mp3’) { |i| i.backup( …dest… ) } Find all mp3 files in all home storages (up to a depth of 3 in the hierachy), then backup

9 Side Note Such an API works best by having a unified model of the Grid - a graph of interlinked resources. And a uniform way of addressing these resources and interacting with them.

10 Command line … mirroring the API gak follow.containsjobs.containsjob | gak delete gak follow.containsstorage[name=‘home’] | gak grind –d 3 ‘*.mp3’ | gak backup –f storage

11 Bench, Book, Chapter, Page books on a bench … a book for each research interest (?) a book has a number of chapters chapters consist of pages In addition, it would be nice to share one or more of my books with my colleagues …

12 Start from the command line (or using API) Initialisation of a ‘long running task’ recorded – … in the file-system, at your PWD – Each task is a page

13 A collection of pages in a chapter – Directory is a chapter – Express dependencies between chapters Directed Acyclic Graph Dependencies recorded in a file for each chapter A triggered chapter will trigger its contained pages (the book analogy breaks a little here)

14 The workbench will be monitored For each page scripts are invoked as lifecycle events are reached ( BEFORE, AFTER ) Similarly for each chapter, scripts are invoked ( STARTED, READY, DONE )

15 Dependencies Explicit … expression of dependencies i.e. between chapters there is a explicit workflow ‘please read chapters 2 & 3 before reading chapters 6’ Implicit Implied processing order for the individual pages with a single chapter

16 Assistance at the command line pages graph -draws graph of current workbook pages contents -lists all chapters pages link ‘n’ -link chapters pages clone -clones current book pages clone -clones current book pages book -list all books / creates new one pages www -publishes workbench as website pages facebook publishes workbench as facebook website

17 Finally Package workflow as zip/tar files Behaviour via file-system/command line/API Insert new behaviour through lifecycle scripts Hold, pause, request input Share results (selectively) to web As much (or as little) automation as you need

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